Can you say...R E P E A T

Started by Mike Noble, June 26, 2005, 06:56:22 PM

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Mike Cork

I don't mind the heat so much for me, but it is very hard on the fish and that is just as important in my mind. There are a lot of things to take into consideration though. One, it is a lot easier for folks to find the time and babysitters during the summer (kids are out of school and can go to grand parents ;) ) Two, the weather is usually stable, which I know is very important especially when fishing very far south, rains and floods can be very hard on the fishing. Three, spring is full of big money tournaments that folks are committed to and fall is hunting season. But for every con there is a pro  :o Just some food for thought :-*

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service

Jared LeBlue

We also have to make sure we don't have a conflict with the Rally which is a whole other story. ;D
Ardent Prostaff


Ok.........................what's the rally?

Jared LeBlue

The Rally is still in the works but it is basically a tournament for everyone on the board. Mike or Laurie can explain it better and have more details on it.
Ardent Prostaff


Now that would be a B-L-A-S-T!!! ~bu

Let me know how I can help!!!!


I started a new thread on the ralley for those of you that are interested ;)



I would definately be up for an earlier date in the Shootput ~c~ I say January on Caddo Lake ~an~

Mike Noble

Papa...that ain't happening.  :roll2:  Maybe Caddo on the 12th....that is the 12th of NEVER.  lo
Life is a B........each!



Ask me about PROTANDIM


I have been reading about this year's event and must say that I am sorry I missed it.  It sounds like the food alone was worth the trip.  I am curious, what were the rules on the team vs team contest?  Three biggest sacks like it was last year?


Hi Bo,

Man, long time no see,,,,how are you doing? Like the web site & club you are in.. ;)

It was like last years rules, top 10 best fish from each club each day totaled together and then both days totaled for the grand weght total.

Missed you buddy, Merila asked me just the other day if I had heard from you and again last night as we were putting up the winning group picture for 2005! ;PHO) :roll2:

Take care Bo,

American Bass Angler Pro Staff, R & M Tackle, K & M Custom Rods, Secret Weapon Lures,Vicious Fishing Tournament Team, Driftwood Lures,  Fish Hedz/Save Phace,



I have changed jobs and been all over the place.  It has really interfeared with my fishing which is entirely unacceptable.  To make a long story short...I have moved to Birmingham and have a new job that should give me more free time once I am settled in.  The bad news is that the redfish are further away.  The good news is that magnum Coosa River spots are close.  So after I get settled in I should be able to contribute to the fishing reports board.  Hopefully Mike and the rest of you guys can help me master fishing spinnerbaits at night ( I actually made a few after reading the ebook).  Anyway, that is what is up with me.

My two cents on the timing is that the winning club should be able to pick the date so that they can pick a time of year that their local lake is ON FIRE. 



Well guys I guess that the extra 7 fishermen Twin Cities put on the lake probably helped a little with the three peat. Of course our average stringer was bigger than the yankees. If the numbers were even looks like it would have been ugly.


That could be so goggle-eye,,,,,

but :-* :-* :-* if you go back and look at last years team numbers on the Calcasieu River, you will see that Lock-Jaw had a few more teams than TCTC,,,,,, did it matter? not really.........

it was just a good ole time......... ~c~ ~c~ ~c~

American Bass Angler Pro Staff, R & M Tackle, K & M Custom Rods, Secret Weapon Lures,Vicious Fishing Tournament Team, Driftwood Lures,  Fish Hedz/Save Phace,


A few tournament statistics!
                                            Twin cities        Lockjaw
Number of teams                           10                  7
Number of fish weighed                  49                 53
Fish weighted per team                  4.9                7.9
Average wt per weighed                 1.81              1.54
Fish weighed per team                    4.9                7.9
Pounds weighed per team               8.84             11.60
Top ten fish weight                       55.41             47.91
Average weight per top 10              2.77              2.40
Total weighted in                          88.38             81.18   

Jared LeBlue

Ardent Prostaff

Mike Cork

Thanks Wildcat  ~c~ we had more teams but caugth less weigh fish :-\ I wonder who caught the most slot fish :roll2:

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


I told ya'll we shouldn't throw back all our small unders! I just knew sooner or later someone would throw up that they caught MORE fish...We wanted QUALITY not QUANTITY!

Anyone still got the stats from last year when WE were the underdog?  lo

Jared LeBlue

That shouldn't be hard to remember. I don't know if there were 20 fish caught. I'll have to do some checkin on that.
Ardent Prostaff


From what I heard I think Papa and Trey got the most slot fish. I did notice that both clubs tried to sneak a slot fish in at weigh-in.

Mike Cork

I don't know if it was sneaking on not but both clubs did come up a little short on one fish each :roll2: and both clubs had one that really needed working but made it :roll2: good thing that warden wasn't around :shocking:

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service