weigh - in at the tourney

Started by DundeeMike, February 24, 2005, 06:07:37 PM

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Laurie , I think I know how the weigh-in will work. Isn't that the heaviest 5 fish will be counted towards the total ? Could you go over the weigh-in one more time , because I think there is an issue....

I looked for the weigh-in rules, but I did not see any....

Jared LeBlue

Are you talking about teams or clubs? Clubs should be able to weigh-in their best ten fish a day. Teams will weigh in their best five fish a day. The two day total from the clubs weight will be it official weight and the two day total from the teams weight will be their official weight. That is how it was set up last year and unless some changes have been made that I don't know about that is how it will be this year. Basically what you will do is weigh all your teams fish first and then you will take the best ten fish from your teams creel and weigh those ten as your clubs weight.
Ardent Prostaff

Jared LeBlue

Dundee, if you go to the main site and click on the Ultimate Bass Club Shoot Out link then go to the the first annual UBSC and click on page two of the article I have written and there will be a break down of everthing there.
Ardent Prostaff


The reason I was asking is there might be a problem with that.
      Let us say that Twin Cities has 10 teams fishing, and say that a Fla. club has 5 teams fishing. This give Twin Cities the advantage because they have twice as many teams fishing. What do you think...

Mike Noble

But you can still only weigh the best 10 fish.
Life is a B........each!



Ask me about PROTANDIM

Jared LeBlue

That's a chance you have to take. There will always be more people on one team than others. The team that brings the most has an advantage but that's also an incentive to bring more people. Now I will have to eat a little crow here and I hate to admit it but last year Twin Cities had less than us and they took home the trophies.
Ardent Prostaff


Yeah! ;) and we brought boatloads of haawgs to the scales :roll2:
You northern guys ain't got a prayer ~sun
Us TCTC folks are gonna kick some rear ~c~

papa ~an~

Mike Cork

Just wondering how that crow tasted Rattle  :roll2: I must say though, we actually considered letting you all win after the tremendous food and friendship the LJBC provided, but we figured keeping it close was good enough  :roll2:

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service

Jared LeBlue

I choked on it for days. :roll2: That's all part of though and that's what makes it a blast. I really don't care who wins just as long as everyone has a good time. Now of course we going to take it all this year so it really doesn't matter. I would tell Dundee to save his gas but I want meet him so I'll let him waste his money.
Ardent Prostaff

Mike Cork

Rattle I must agree, I am looking forward to the evenings when everyone gets together for a beer or pepsi and we get to BS with everyone ~c~ ~c~ ~c~

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Rattle the hardest part was when Mike(he was our team captain) asked us to throw most of our fish back so as not to seem like unappreciative guests.
But you guys were so nice to us and put on such a great tourney we kept it close.
I for one hated throwing back all those 3-4 pound bass. :-[ :-[

papa :roll2:

Jared LeBlue

Papa keep in mind where you were fishing. If you going to tell fish stories make it believable, something like: I hated throwing back all those 12 inch fish.  :roll2:
Ardent Prostaff


When expaining the weight-in to Yankee's you must tell them that there is a minimum size.  They can not weight in any of those 6 inch yankee fish.  Also they have a hard time figuring out what ten is because they never catch  more than three.

Mike Cork

Yeah, it was a bear convincing Papa to pitch back all those fish, infact he arm wrestled me to be able to keep one and I guess you can tell who won :roll2:

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


I don't think I would want to make a living arm wrestling you :-\

papa ~shade