blue lake tourney

Started by panama red, April 27, 2005, 10:33:07 PM

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panama red

hello everyone, i am new to the offutt anglers so i don't know much about the lakes you guys fish. so could someone tell me how this whole thing works, my buddy and i would like to join you guys in the next tourney on may 18. thanks..

Javelin 409

Panama Red, welcome aboard!  Stop by equipment rental when you have a minute, I'll be glad to go over the schedule, directions to the lakes and answer any questions you might have.  Jay


Welcome to the fun.  I think you'll enjoy it, afterall it beats working.  Many of us go out Tuesdayafternoon/evening before the tournament and camp out.  It makes the drive home the next day easier.  Hope to see you out there.

Hey Panama, like that handle, not very original though.  I will not be at the 18th tournament at Blue,  :'(  LSET is that week.   ~xyz  So kick butt and take names.  See ya'll at the next one, where ever that may be.

Skipper (ripnlips)

Hey Panama, like Jay said, come by and see us and we will hook you up. Sorry I didn`t reply earlier but I just got back from the DOD tourny in Alabama


Glad to see Ya'll made it back safe.
Jim Krebs

ID Spud

I 'm just glad we can get on with more important tournaments around here. Seems that some of us couldn't take the trip south!! ;D
  Haven't heard the results, but I hope we here at Offutt were heard. Glad your back.


welcome to offutt......I wished I could be there on blue with you all but darn have to go back to kansas.....I have to do that 4 letter word again....Hope to catch up with you soon ~shade


Went by Blue on Saturday. Man I hope it's better on Wendsday!!!

Water: High and Muddy!!
Water temp: Mid to High 50's!!
Air Temp: Friggin COLD!!!
Winds out of the NorthWest 250 MPH!!!
Wind Chill: -175 Degrees!!!

I got there about 0600. Putted around the lake to check it out. Cut several new ditches with the outboard. (I'm glad the water is up. I dont think I could float my boat with in 50ft of shore if it was at normal pool!). Fished a couple of spots til about 0800. Toes went numb and finger fell off so decided to warm up in the truck and wait out the huricane. Never happend and left around 1030.

I'm not sure my confidence can take this tournament!!! At least Viking had something to throw at!!!

Someone just SHOOT me.


Ps Anyone know where I can trade my boat for a golf cart!
Lippum and Leavum
The BASS you save may be mine!!


Ha Ha Ha Ha that is funny,  I told you guys that lake sucks!!!  Well, looks like another beer drinkin night, because we aren't goin to catch any fish.
Jim Krebs

Skipper (ripnlips)

Went to Blue yesterday for about 5 hours and stuck 4 fish. The biggest was 17 1/2. The water is way up and muddy but it was a decent time. The wind wasn`t as bad as saturday.

Gotcha!!!!!!!!!!!   I didnt go near that lake. But wed. you know someone will be on fish.

Javelin 409

Ripnlips, I don't care what Kreb's says, THAT WAS FUNNY! lo

Skipper (ripnlips)

I thought so.................

Skipper (ripnlips)

Where ya at Panama Red??? You never stopped by and we`ve fished 3 tourny`s already.