Magnum Deep Divers

Started by BIG M, May 07, 2008, 09:45:54 AM

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Here are some deep divers I make.   Top bait is cedar, middle bait is balsa (internal weight transfer system), bottom bait is balsa flatside.    Diving depth on the top two baits is 20+ and the third bait is 16+.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Those are sweet looking baits and sounds like they diver really good.  :)
Pro Staff Esox Fishing Rods
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From Bulldog


Very nice. Are those top two circuit board lips?
'Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting the different results' Albert Einstein.


Yes that is circuit board (garolite 10).   I like that material for the long lips, not as much flex and thinner than polycarbonate.


Quote from: BIG M on May 08, 2008, 09:26:26 AM
Yes that is circuit board (garolite 10).   I like that material for the long lips, not as much flex and thinner than polycarbonate.

Those top two lips look super thin! WOW. Are they fragile?
Why can't store bought cranks look that amazing?
Fishing memories with dad.


No not fragile at all.   The only way to get the a lip out of the bait is to tear the wood apart with cutters.    Those baits took 8-10hrs apiece to make, big company couldn't make a dime if they took that long to make a single bait.

Thanks for the compliments


Quote from: BIG M on May 08, 2008, 08:06:40 PM
No not fragile at all.   The only way to get the a lip out of the bait is to tear the wood apart with cutters.    Those baits took 8-10hrs apiece to make, big company couldn't make a dime if they took that long to make a single bait.

Thanks for the compliments

If a person would to sell a bait that takes 8hrs to create, what would the value of that bait be?
Even at $5 hr. that single Crank would cost $40!!!!!!!!!!!! :shocking:
Absolutely gorgeous.
Fishing memories with dad.


I know a lot of custom bait makers and not 1 makes 5 bucks an hour on baits.   The time spent working on the bait is a labor of love.   If I were to put a figure on my hourly wage it's approx 2.50 per hour.    I sell baits to buy supplies so I can make more baits, it's my drug of choice.   It's also pretty cool to catch fish on something you create with your own hands.


Quote from: BIG M on May 11, 2008, 10:15:39 PM
It's also pretty cool to catch fish on something you create with your own hands.

Amen to that.
'Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting the different results' Albert Einstein.


Nice baits. I'd love to do something like that. Just don't seem to have the time right now. :(


wow, how do u get the scale patterns like that?


Shoot the paint thru a piece of net held tight to the bait.