Help me identify this jig

Started by cmb3366, April 21, 2008, 03:46:17 PM

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Alright guys, a local sportinggoods store used to sell these jigs, and the black and white ones were the best walleye lures I've ever used. Lately thay cant get their hands on them. I've tried other black and white jugs (of the different designs that I can find) and nothing is nearly as good. I've finally ran out of them, and I'm desperate to find sonme more to buy.

Could one of you guys point me towards something either very similar, or the exact same, thanks.


This is the jig head design. do-it makes this jig head mold, and the eyes and bucktail are easy to find on any of the major lurebuilding websites. The thread is a NCP Nylon rod building thread by Gudebrod. It's size A in color 245. Your best bet is to make them yourself. This way you'll have a never ending supply.
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