KaRu Shirt Picture

Started by tennispro, April 30, 2008, 08:35:16 PM

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Well I got out today from 1:30-5 and with the winds and high water and water temps 10 deg below were they were last week, it was tough.  For as high as the water was, it was really not to muddy back in Spring Lake (pool 13).

I did get a picture of me with the only fish we caught today.  It was not a hawg but I was happy for two reasons.  I did not get skunked, and it was also my first fish on a KaRu Vibra-spin. 

I talked to my brother in-law who was out all day and they only got 4 fish.  So I know it was not just us.


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Nice shirt   :) 
It looks like a great fish from here ~c~



Nice Shirt  ;D ;D ;D    Congrats on not gettin skunked.  ~c~ ~c~ ~c~