Custom soft plastic colors...

Started by imp81318, March 11, 2008, 08:54:44 AM

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Hey all, for those of you who pour your own soft plastics, I was just wondering if you are able to get colors not readily available on the shelf to make your soft plastics out of? A buddy of mine has some 4" twist-tail grubs he had specially poured years ago that seem to work really well for smallies in the streams around here - they are a simple, "flat" green color, I'd say a little lighter than a green poker chip, and I can't find anything close to them anywhere. Does anyone know of anywhere you can order specialy colors in soft plastics?


can you post a picture of it.  i might be able to mix green with some grey to make that sort of color....


Unfortunately, I think he said he was using up the last of them last summer. The green watermelon will probably work well as a replacement, but I was thinking it might be good to have that slightly different color to give a look the bass aren't seeing from anyone else. He also only had it in the grubs, and I was thinking if I could find someone to make it, it might make a decent color for longer worms as well...

Siebert Outdoors

the options are endless.  With just a handfull of colors you could probably make 1k different shades and colors.  It just all depends what you need.

The best way to match something is to have one in hand.  Pics are ok but never the same. IMO.


Yeah, I know gloomisman, but honestly I'm not really sure exactly what shade or anything they were and am not necessarily looking for an exact match - just something similar with the main point of being something not readily available so it is a different look to the bass..... Understand the difficulty of what I'm trying to explain tho... but it was worth a shot...


maybe try the avocado green from lurecraft- mix it with watermelon about 2.5:1, that's a pretty cool color that I have caught fish on, unique as well


Del Mart has a Olive green color that is pretty flat. I've had pretty good luck on it.


santeerangerman, can you send me a  ;PHO) /link to that color? I didn't see it on their website anywhere, and they don't have  ;PHO) of their colors from what I can tell anyway.  Thanks.


Berkley makes some fairly flat greens in their Power and Gulps worms.
If you build a ramp...I will come...

Bountiful Waters

Lurecraft has an Olive powder which I like. They also have a new Kiwi powder that is great for clear water presentations.