finally back!

Started by Loriz Tackletales, January 31, 2008, 07:38:24 PM

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Loriz Tackletales

Well, I am finally able to login onto this site again...I felt like I was missing out!  Too many things going on and forgot my user name.  Glad to be back!  Thanks to everyone for the emails.  Planning on doing some fishing this weekend with my dad.  He has this old old fishing rod, that looks like a piece of junk...he calls it "mr greenie" and this rod catches more fish, then I can shake a stick at.  So wish me good luck, I will need it. Hope to stay dry and catch the biggest fish and win the dollar bet...we always have on the biggest fish.


You better let the old man win that dollar.


Good luck Loriz and your old man really loves to see you beat him  ;) ~roflmao ~roflmao Good to see you back again  :)

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet

Loriz Tackletales

Thanks for the "luck"  and you are right my dad loves to see me catch fish and grabs the camera...loves to take pictures.  Sometimes the fish are big and alot of times small, but it doesn't matter to him... grabs the camera.  Now when it comes to the biggest, he LOVES to beat me fishing.  It has taken me many years to learn his secrets, he doesn't tell me anything with words, I have to be fast to see every little move that he makes.   Because the moment I am looking a different way...he will give his pole a special gig of the pole and catch the biggest fish and tells me he is doing exactly what I am doing.  knowing good and well his line is out farar then mine or using a special scent on his lure...something different to win.  But, I love to see him win ...he can't stop smiling and reminding me of it for days.


Good Luck Loriz, hope  you guys win.  ~1 I'm sure you will have fun either way, I bet your dad is a great fishing buddy - sounds like a cool dad - get him here as a member too, How about some pictures of "Mr Greenie"   lo catch fish   :).


good luck this weekend.....welcome back
"the vibrashock?.....its like crack for fish"