Lake Lawtonka.... anyone know anything about this lake?

Started by Get Some Bass, October 21, 2007, 11:40:24 PM

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Get Some Bass

Can anyone give me any details,fishing spots, camping areas, anything about this lake? Going there in a couple of weeks. I also heard there are other smaller lakes close by as well, anyone know anything about those lakes?



i live in lawton and fish lawtonka alot. it is mostly known for the large smallmouth it holds. largemouth are good too especially on the north end of the lake. camp grounds are alright i guess but i have never stayed there. lake elmer thomas is about a mile away and it is an excellent largemouth lake. crystal clear water with lots of hydrilla. good chance anyone can pull out a 8# plus out of there. let me know if your planning a trip this way and i can give you more details.

Get Some Bass

If you had a choice of either lawtonka or elsworth, where would you go? how is the water at lawtonka and elsworth? is it clear like how you say elmer thomas is? I dont have a boat so will be fishing on shore.

is elmer thomas that small lake south of lawtonka?


if you dont have a boat then i would stick with fishing lake lawtonka. elmer thomas has some pretty nasty hydrilla along the shore lines so it makes it hard to fish it with no boat.lawtonka is pretty clean water and lightly stained. ellsworth is a muddy nasty lake!! i hate it! when do you plan on coming down?

Get Some Bass

next week with me and my buddies. I hope it doesnt get any colder than this next week. Any camping spots or great fishing spots you might know (other than the dam) in Lawtonka?