Tube Bait Tip

Started by mlakrid, February 21, 2007, 02:49:17 PM

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Have you ever wondered how you can get a tube bait to fall more slowly?

Or how about getting it to hold your favorite attractant well?

Well, I have two tips both using the same item!!

The best part is you can get them for very cheap...
Foam Ear plugs, the kind you squash up and press into your ear...

Simply let the foam sit in your favorite attractant to soak up the scent (can also be done with a piece of sponge)


Place the foam without scent to severly slow the rate of descent of a tube bait when falling...

I find this extremely useful when using a jigheadas you can hook the foam through the hook and push it into the body of the tube...
Just be aware it works MUCH easier on larger tubes! for smaller tubes try cutting the plus into smaller pieces!

I hope this tip helps!

Mike A!
Land O Lakes, FL

A Bad day on the water is still better than the best day at work!!@!!


Great tip  :-*, I'll try that this weekend.
2020 IBASS Gold - Zone 2 - AOY
2020 IBASS Classic - Winner
2020 IBASS Team Tourney - Winner (with FD)


 ~shade Thanx, will be trying this out if the ice ever leaves ~xyz
fish long, fish hard,
then fish some more,


Good tip.  I use those in place of Carolina Floaters too.  Works great and I can get a handful at work for a LOT less than BPS has em for.  Plus they have a bright orange closed cell type here at work.  BPS only has green and black.


Also, dont forget you can put them inside of Scumfrogs and Spro Frogs for some added buoyancy also.  I've been doing this for a long time and it seems to keep the frogs up higher in the water where they catch less grass and weeds as you pull it through the thick stuff.  I also, and DONT LAUGH, put christmas bells or rattles inside the frogs also !   :-*  Try it before you laugh at it !  You will be amazed.  Hope this helps


I had a bunch of remington ear plugs, did the same thing would push them up into the tubes, helped them float better, also would put slide rattles into the foam.

Only thing wrong with my fish "His head is to close to his tale"

The Eyes Have It

I use a cork bobber in my tubes ocasionally and use them as a top water lure. The skirt hangs low in the water and works real well.


The Eyes Have It, that's a great idea, I've done the same thing!  ~c~

I've used cigar shaped floats, either cork or foam, and rigged them with a octopus or drop shot type hook out the back. They work great in open water, kinda like a Torpedo lure!  ;D
Fanatical Fly Tyer & Tackle Maker!  It's An OBSESSION!!  J. Hester Fly & Tackle Co. LLC.