extra equipment

Started by buzzinbass, November 05, 2006, 06:01:45 PM

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Always keep a small tool box crecent wrench spark plug wrench extra parts trolling motor prop pins extra flashlight batteries and a map and a list of phone numbers to call for help or tow


right on my brother....simple stuff.....that can save ya. :-* :-* :-*


simple? I have a 65 piece toolkit not to mention a crescent wrench, tons of screwdrivers, wire, wire conncetors electrical tape and sun lotion... .I need a first aid kit though


Have a well stocked tool box as well as other little extras like a small piece of sandpaper for cleaning connections and such  have saved a few of my male buddies out on the water when they have had problems cant understand why they dont carry any tools with them, hubby and dad taught me well. even in my truck i have tools and other things i may need while out and about.


Yup, good idea. I carry a small toolbox in my truck.  50% of the time I need tools, I'm in my truck away from home.
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