HTML and Links in Posts

Started by MotherNature, November 24, 2004, 04:23:55 PM

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We believe that one of our responsibilities here at Ultimate Bass is to provide a safe environment for our members to communicate in.  We are constantly monitoring the latest cyber threats that exist on the Internet. 

One of latest is a virus that can infect computers by the user simply clicking on an HTML address link that will actually connect the user to an infected computer.  Because of a vulnerability within Microsoft's Internet Explorer the virus can be passed onto your computer with you doing nothing more than unknowingly connecting to the infected computer. These links can appear to be legitimate but are not. 

Due to this emerging threat we unfortunately must immediately disable HTML links on the board.  We are doing this for the protection of our members and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. 

There have been NO links of this nature found on our board to date and therefore there is no need to worry that this has happened to you.  We feel that being proactive at this time will offer the maximum protection to our community.

The Ultimate Bass Staff



Thanks for looking out for all of us!!!


Good job Laurie looking out for all of us  ;) and the only links eye will use here are the ones that are here. ~shade You know the ones that lead a member to another thread in here ;D

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


Thats great Lip and I don't mind that at all! I think it is a smart way to do things but there are folks out there that will still add links.

I have been going into the posts and making them active after I check them out and know that they are safe for the members, but there are people out there that will just come in and post them so if you see a link in a new message and I haven't edited it you will know that it may not be safe ;)



EYE know Laurie some people never learn  :'( but remember what eye told ya when eye first came on here about changing the light bulbs lo ;D ~c~ and I always try and play by the rulles ~shade lo

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


I know you do Lip and I really do appreciate it more than you can know  ;) I am trying not to change things too often and when I do it is small and I hope that helps a little too. I figure if I do things a little at a time then it gives folks a chance to get used to it and then I can do some more but a little at a time  ~shhh



No problem Laurie  ~shhh (mumes the word) lo

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet