Calcasieu River Bass Fishing Reports

Started by Jared LeBlue, July 24, 2003, 10:57:23 PM

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Went to check out the river yesterday, see how it is recovering from Rita. 

Good news is the black water is gone and the river color has retuned to normal.  There was good visiablity for the river and a good current. Great for flushing storm trash out. 

I did see a few gar rolling: figures that would be the first fish to recover.  Fished from White Oaks up a good way above the narrows.
Did not get a bump from bass or perch.  I know Wildlife and Fisheries say the fish will move down from the north but how long will that take.

When running the river this time of year you usually jump a few ducks, usually wood ducks.  Yesterday I bet I jumped at least 100 ducks.  A lot of Mallards and even some Pintail.

Jared LeBlue

Fishing is going to be tough on the river for a while. It figures there would be a ton of ducks after the season closes.
Ardent Prostaff


I am afraid it will be a couple of years before the rive is close to normal again.  The salt water killed a lot of the grasses in the marshes.  Thats why there are so many big ducks on the river.