UltimateBass Home Front Activities Nov 24

Started by Donald Garner, November 01, 2024, 01:48:58 PM

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Donald Garner

Greetings to everyone  8)

 :toot: Welcome to November  ~shade

The year sure is going by quickly.  I hope the new month is a good one for everyone.  I have those that are in need of prayers for what ever reason in my daily prayers.

Forecasted temps for across Central Texas for today are 68-78dgrs.  We're looking at 71%humidity with an E wind @ 7mphs.  We have rain showers in the forecast for the next 5 days  ~rain

There's nothing happening here today.  I had a couple errands to tend too this morning.  Mail pickup and a trip to Walmart for a couple food items.  The rest of the day has been spent tinkering around on the computer.

To everyone I hope your day has been a pleasant one.  I hope the evening ahead is a relaxing one as well. Be safe in your travels if you have to be out and about.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Donald Garner

Good morning to everyone

We're starting the morning off here in Central Texas with over cast skies and rain showers  ~rain   The forecasted temps for today are 62-81dgrs with 78% humidity with a SE wind @ 20mphs.  The 10day forecast is calling for mild temps through out the week ahead with rain forecasted on Thursday.

We're off to Austin here shortly the wife is attending a luncheon with some of our church ladies group.  I'm going to drive her down there and hang out at the BPS while she's having lunch.  Nothing else is planned for day except that.

I hope everyone had a pleasant and relaxing weekend.  To everyone enjoy the day and be safe in your travels today.  Be mindful of your surrounding while out and about tomorrow.  Tomorrow is an Important Day. Get out and Vote if your able too.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


welcome to November already -- sheesh time is flying!!

been busy with work.  ready to vote tomorrow in person.  Beautiful weather here, mid 70's.  Grass is popping up really nice. 

want to get the kitty out this week but i have a lot of things that need to go right before that happens. 

hope you all have a great day!!


  Howdy y'all! Guess Tapatalk finally bit the dust, now I have to 100% use the mobile version. No bighie as y'all were the only reason left I still used it. Been a decent day out here in the Wildlife Refuge, but windy as all Hades.Starred all my military outprocessing paperwork so it will be finallized by February. 15yrs flew by. Figured I'd retire (medical) from Army, and work my civilian job (Engineer) for another 8-10yrs, then retire early from it and pick up a federal job like a Park Ranger or Guide in places like The Refuge or Everglades.
"I'm a simple man, with simple pleasures." -Trevor Belmont

Bud Kennedy

Still a great weather day today but starting to cool a bit.  High today of 70 but drooping into the upper 40s overnight.  The cool down will continue through the week with highs remaining in the 60s and lows to the low 40s and even upper 30s a little inland.  It will still be sunny but seasonably cool.

Strained my knee while bowling last Wednesday and it is still a little sore especially if I walk on uneven ground or twist may leg a bit one way or the other.  No problem walking on solid surface at this time but am concerned about bowling tomorrow.  I be wearing my knee brace that should help.  I had a similar injury last year but it was on my right side.  This time it is on my left side that is also my sliding leg.  If I don't do anything stupid I should be ok.

Donald Garner

Good afternoon to everyone,

We've been having some very pleasant weather here in Central Texas lately.  Our forecast for today is 48-84dgrs with lots of sun  ~sun   The humidity is at 38% with a NE wind @ 14mphs.   There's rain in the forecast on the 18th.  The days in between now and then is sunny and pleasant enjoyable temps.

There has been nothing going on here lately.  My trip to the BPS didn't produce anything that I needed.  I'm still needing to find a couple boat covers prior to the Wintery Weather moving into the area.

Bud; Tks for stopping by.  I hope your knee gets to feeling better.  Good luck with your bowling, hopefully your score will improved once the knee starts to feeling better.  Your weather your presently having is almost the same as ours here in Central Texas.  I too am enjoying it while it last.

Top; Tks for stopping by also.  Good luck with getting your Retirement Paperwork completed.  Those jobs your looking at getting into after retirement are great jobs.  You need to start applying for them now.  Best wishes for ya that you get on board with one of them.

Joe; Tks for stopping by also; How's the yard work coming along?  Did you make that Dr's appointment at   the Ramp Clinic last weekend ?

To everyone hope your day is going as planned.  Be safe in your travels and I hope y'all evening ahead is a relaxing one.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Bud Kennedy

Another beautifulday at the beach.  Temps just made it to 70 with bright sunny skies and a soft breeze.  Overnight lows to the upper 40s but much cooler temps expected by the end of the week.  Otherwise it has been a do nothing type of day.  Tomorrow the dog goes to the groomer and I will have to stop by the grocery store to do the weeks shopping and start to pick up some of the Thanksgiving supplies.  I am making a very simple meal just for the Mrs and myself.  We will also begin the process to put up the Christmas tree.  We did noto put up the tree last year and we both missed it.  The Mrs. has 60 + years of ornaments in her treasured collection.  She enjoys remember each and everyone as it gets added to the tree.

Bowling is still a bit problematic but seems to be getting a bit better.  This has been a long slump.

Donald Garner

Greetings to everyone,

Beautiful Fall day here in Central Texas.  We've had some serious rain storms move through the area since Sunday ~rain

Today forecast is 46-80dgrs with 47% humidity with a NE wind @ 7mphs.  The rest of the week we're looking at bright sunny skies with temps in the 70's.

Not a whole lot been going on here these past few days.  Today I had some errands to tend to at the bank, Texas Parks and Wildlife office > Renewed my Stratos Registration < Stopped in and got my monthly haircut; Checked the mail and stopped in Walmart for a little grocery shopping.  Made a quick run out to the VA Hospital and paid my Med's bill.  We're home now and for the rest of the day its recliner & TV time.

I had to drop the Diesel off at the dealership last Wednesday. That darn Check Engine Light came back on.  They called me this afternoon and told me the Turbocharger need a thorough cleaning.  Total cost for getting it fixed is going to be $495.00 dollars.  That price included the checking the check engine light and resetting it also.  That Turbocharger has been replaced 3 times since 2009.  I hope my daughter sells / trades that truck in when she get home from Germany.

My wife has completed her Thanksgiving Shopping.  I love Thanksgiving meals she fixes, there's a different Main Course ever year.  She always ask me what I want and my reply is "I don't care as long as we have DRESSING" ;)   

Bud; My good man it's good to see ya on line.  My wife does all the Holiday meals cooking and I usually do all the cleanup etc.  I can't even to begin to remember when we had the Christmas Tree up.  It's been a real long time ago.  It's just me, wife and Auggie the cat here now.  We still have everything it all stacked up in the garage.  Hope your bowling continues to improve for ya.

To everyone hope yawls day has been a good one.  Hope your evening will be a relaxing one also.  Be safe in your travels and be aware of your surroundings.   
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


apologies for the disappearing act -- that dang work thing keeps getting in the way.  Fortunately I have some time off to catch up this week and next, with the end of next week being a fishing trip to Lay Lake with a couple bama/GA folks from here and my Dad.  Going to be epic. 

not much to report for me on the fishing front. but my neighbor has been slaying them and sending me pictures  lo

Donald Garner

Good morning to everyone,

Another Beautiful Fall Day here in Central Texas  :)   Our forecast for today is 58-76dgrs with 44%humidity with a S wind @ 9mphs.   There's no rain in the upcoming 10day forecast  ;)

There's nothing been happening here on the home front.  I'm heading to Walmart here shortly to pickup a couple items.  The afternoon will be spent in the recliner and watching college football.  I did make it over to Academy on Wednesday.  They finally got a boat cover in stock that would fit my Stratos.  I spent Wednesday afternoon tinkering around on the Stratos. 

I have a upcoming project for the G3 later on.  I'm going to put new carpet on the floor and storage box and find a new cover for it also.  I put a new plywood floor in it already and covered it with that water proof sealant.  After a couple hard rains we had recently that protective covering has washed off. 

Joe: Tks for stopping by I know you're looking forward to that upcoming trip with your dad.  Tight lines and big catches for ya.

To everyone hope your weekend here is a safe, pleasant and relaxing one.  Be mindful of your surrounding while traveling and shopping.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Bud Kennedy

Greetings from Myrtle Beach.  Weather this week has been fairly normal for this time of year but probably a bit cooler than normal.  Daily highs in the low 70s and lows in the upper 40s and plenty of sun.  This all changes on Thanksgiving night.  Cold front moving through dropping temps to winter time levels.  Overnight lows will get down into the upper 20s and highs only in the upper 40s or low 50s.  For those of you living in the south our winter cold goes deep into your bones.  It is gonna feel more like January instead of November.

Been sort of out of commission with a strained back.  I made a stupid  mistake to move the washing machine by just trying to slide it over a few inches.  Unfortunately this pulled some muscles and I have been treating it for the past three days with ice and heat.  It is feeling better but still plenty sore.  No bowling this week due to the holidays so I hope it is better by next week.  It is feeling a bit better but I have got to keep taking it easy for a while.  This sure does mess up my normal sleep pattern.  If I roll over in the night the pain is really bad making sleep almost impossible.

Hope all of you have a happy Thanksgiving as we move into the upcoming Christmas season.

Donald Garner

Greetings from Central Texas  :)

:toot: To everyone in the UB Family Happy Thanksgiving  ~shade

We currently have mostly sunny skies with some cloudiness.  Forecasted temps for today are 46-86dgrs with 61% humidity with a SE wind @ 16mphs.  There still no rain in the 10 day forecast as of today.

Nothing going on here I had a Lab appointment yesterday for my I&R (Warfin Med's) monthly checkup.  I guess everything is with in the range they want me to be in they haven't called asking 40 questions.

Mostly tinkering around on the computer staying out of the kitchen as my wife prepares our Thanksgiving meal.  There's a pecan pie with some cool whip I keep hearing it calling my name  lo  ;)

Bud; Good morning my good man.  Tks for stopping by.  I hope you lower back gets to feeling better quickly for ya.  I know you mentioned heat & ice treatment.  Have you ever tried ICY HOT roll on for the in between the heat and ice packs?  I use it and it does help with the pain for me.  I use it on both my knees and lower back pain especially at night right before bed.
I hope you and your wife have a peacefully & relaxing Thanksgiving Holiday.

To everyone safe travels for yawl if your going to be out and about.  Be mindful of your surroundings also.     
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


greetings from bama!!

taking some time off this weekend and next.  Enjoying family time, with boat time being secondary.   

Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving.


  Well now...I THINK I finally got the hang of the mobile browser and all it's buttons. >:D Owner of the company told me to close shop by 12 today, so I did some bank hopping after work. The bite really picked up about 3:30pm and didn't stop until about 5:30pm. Nothing big but was still fun. Even took the time to put some Scotty Rod Holder mounts on my boats oar locks.Hope yall had a great Thanksgiving.
"I'm a simple man, with simple pleasures." -Trevor Belmont