Making a comeback and ….darn sunscreen.

Started by Hobious, September 07, 2024, 06:28:24 PM

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I haven't been posting much lately.  Why?  I've been in a funk!   3 days of fishing without a legal fish.   My wife let me know she had a ladies card game today, so I loaded up my gear and hit the sack early.  I slept w earplugs so my wife had to nudge me when ,y alarm went off at 4:00 am.  She says to me, "the fish won't catch themselves....zzzzzz"

I felt hopeful.  Confident even. I eat a bagel breakfast and head out.  CLEAELAKE here I come!   

It was cool and foggy.  But the radio said to be ready for hot weather.  Bring it.

I launch at my spot and I'm alone.  Bass boat flotilla blast past me headed south.  Oh o!  Maybe they knew something I didn't?  My fish finder was blank.  Oh o #2.  Desperate I started by skipping a wacky SENKO into tule. Nope. Nothing. A few boats cut me off and leapfrog ahead of my slow kayak...whatever.  I'm happily fishing.

So I went off shore.  I remembered my sun gloves hanging outside to dry. I had forgotten them, so cake my hands with a sunscreen stick.   Some fancy French stuff my wife bought me from France. 

I throw a beaver out towards the deep.  8 feet deep. I tactile feedback was den née immediate.  TICK!  I jam the hook home and a 4 lb bass puts on an aerial exhibition heard 100's of yards around.  I didn't make a verbal peep.  I pull out my GoPro , do a selfie, amd let the fish go. 

Here is the pic.   Sunscreen vignette!  Noooooo.  Hahaha.  So funny my comeback pic is squishy.

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Nice! Only been to California once and I didn't get to fish  ~rant


Great story. I could easily picture myself there. Nice job on the fish too!