Converting drivers seat to Pedestal

Started by ShotCaller, September 24, 2012, 04:07:49 PM

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I have a 2010 BassTracker 175 PT txw.

At my age it gets real hard to get in and out of the drivers seat because they are so low. I have a bad knee and my back sometimes gets stiff.

I have decided to convert the drivers seat to a Pedestal seat to raise it up , so it will be easier to get in and out of. I used one of my fishing seats as the new drivers seat.

Here is some pics of the process. I will test it out on the water in the next couple of days , and let you know how it works.

here is the pedestal I used ...

here is the current seat removed :

Here is the seat on the new pedestal, its just sitting there for now...going to bolt in later
I had to cut the pedestal down by four inches as it was too high.

Here is a pic of the finished pedestal and seat.
Its alot easier to sit down and get back out of now then the regular seats.
I also have alot more leg room since I  moved it back a few inches.


I just came back from testing it out on the water. 

WOW...what a difference !! Its alot easier to get in and out of the seat.
I also dont have to pull on the steering wheel to get out of the seat like I did before , I just stand up.

I can see alot better over the bow. It feels like a completly different boat.

I am real happy with the way it turned out.

Let me know if anyone has any questions about the process.


No questions but I like the idea alot !!!  I have found my Pro 165 to be uncomfortable to sit and drive and find myself standing up a lot.  I have been thinking of doing the same to mine and I think you clinched it for me.........Thanks for the pics, now to do mine....


New member with the same low seat problems, would love to see your pictures but I can't. Any idea why that is, maybe the post is to old?
Thank you, bigmick