even the most innocuous poke from a fishhook...

Started by Hobious, October 03, 2022, 10:59:38 AM

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When will i learn?  once while elk bowhunting i got a sliver under my pinkie finger nail.  i just yanked it out with my teeth and kept hiking.  it blew up into a puss filled mess.  hurt way more than it should.  it took a doc visit to arrest.

fast forward to present time.  i hooked a dink bass.  i reached down for it and it thrashed and threw the hook.  my bent rod unloaded and put the hook into my finger.  i looked and it was harmless.  it didnt get past the barb.  EUREKA!.  i just kept fishing. that night, i could feel my heart beat in my fingertip.  i turn on the lights and look and my finger is bulbous.  o-oh.  i wake up wash it better, put on some prescription antibiotic ointment my doc gave me, wrap it up and fell asleep counting my Heart rate.  it hurt for a few days and got better.  all that could have been avoided if i took the time to clean it i think.  i know carry antiseptic wipes in my PFD pocket.  i am clearly too lazy to stop open my front hatch and take the first aid kit out of the drysack. 

my doc lectured me when i had that splinter infection.  i had redness moving up my finger.   watch those fishing injuries.  especially the ones that dont "self flush" much from bleeding.  my entire finger print peeled off.  haha..


always wonder if some folks are just more prone to these types of reactions?

big g

Been there done that with hooks.  Never got an infection but have pushed them through and cut off the barb.  Been to the ER twice with deep ones in the belly.  Just part of the game!
(Fish) - P/B 11.4, Everglades, L67, L28, Little 67, Alligator Alley, Sawgrass, Holey Land, Loxahatchee, Ida, Osbourne, Okeechobee, Weston Lakes. Broward and Dade Canals.


full barb penetration is almost better.  they bleed and self flush a bit.  those are a cussing session and bandaid away from being "alright".

the non bleeders are the problematic ones.  clean them up.  my finger-pad is still sore weeks out.  amazing.  looks healed but still slightly sore to the touch.