My Life Sentence

Started by Bud Kennedy, October 02, 2022, 07:38:33 PM

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Bud Kennedy

Who would have guessed that a seven year old kid catching his first bass, in an Ohio farm pond would be hooked on fishing for an entire lifetime. 

As it turns out my journey through life had one common thread.  I really liked fishing.  In the early days it did not matter what species found my offerings.  It just mattered that I caught something.  Life is funny that way. Now when I am fishing, I am after anything that will bite as long as it is a bass of some sort.  I have spent thousands of dollars to acquire all the correct tackle while acquiring a wide range of skills to present the chosen baits to the bass for their dining pleasure.  The irony is that the very first bass was the one that started it all.  I remember clearly that fateful day when my first bass grabbed my in- line spinner bait.  The thrill of the strike and the subsequent battle with the fish and finally landing the fish and pulling out my Zebco de-liar to take the measurement.  It was just shy of 15".  I do remember that to me the fish was huge to my young self and could not wait to show it off to my friends.  I added the fish to my stringer and hopped on my bicycle to head towards home to show off my catch.  I was so proud to tell the story of the strike and the fight.  I am sure I embellished the tale a bit and my friends probably got tired of hearing about it.

Moving through my teen years, fishing was still a part of my life.  I fished local streams and ponds.  During these years I even went to Canada a couple of times to fish for toothy critters.  My best friend and I took those trips with a local guy we knew that also would take us fishing in the local area when he had the chance.  All I know was it was fun and we caught our fair share of bass and other species depending upon where we were fishing.  My teen years brough on other life chances that included a stint in the U.S. Army.  Did not do any fishing during that time and besides I was a bit more interested in chasing women instead of fish.  I did catch the woman of my dreams and will be married to her for 55 years later this month.  I guess it was a good catch after all. 

As I progressed through my mid-life, fishing got put mostly on hold.  Sure, we would go fishing from time to time but from the bank mostly.  My wife and I both loved out fishing time and still today she is my main fishing partner.  It wasn't long before we bought our first Ranger boat.  Truth is the Mrs. bought it for me as a surprise.  It was her way to remind me that I needed to get back to fishing to ease the stress of a professional life, a mortgage, and all that other stuff that thins the hairline.

So here it is almost 7 decades later and I am still fishing.  Who knew that a 15" bass being caught in a farm pond would evolve into a life passion.  I doubt that my story is not unlike your fishing beginnings.  What started so simply has in reality defined who we are as a person.  I keep fishing because I can although not as frequently as in the past it is no less fun or exciting.  It is just a slower pace caused by my geezerdom.  I still love the smell of 2 cycle in the morning air and the roar of the big motor as we head out on the river.  I sincerely hope that your personal memories of fishing are as pleasant as mine.  Thank you for allowing me to take this trip down memory lane. 


For some reason I thought this thread was going to be about marriage.   

Great story Bud! Thanks for sharing it with us.

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Dobyns Rods   Titan Tungsten   Abu Garcia  Berkley  Pflueger  Spiderwire


Quote from: Smallie_Stalker on October 02, 2022, 10:05:13 PM
For some reason I thought this thread was going to be about marriage.   
I know... right?  so glad to have been 'mistaken'...

Mike Cork

Love reading your stories Bud  ~c~ thanks for taking the time to write them.

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Thank you for taking the time to write your stories.
A bad day fishing is better then a good day at work. Take a kid fishing

Donald Garner

Bud, tks for sharing this with us.   
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Larry Francis

Quote from: coldfront on October 03, 2022, 09:34:18 AM
Quote from: Smallie_Stalker on October 02, 2022, 10:05:13 PM
For some reason I thought this thread was going to be about marriage.   
I know... right?  so glad to have been 'mistaken'...

You two are not doing marriage the right way if you had these thoughts! Just Saying.  ~roflmao
Molon Labe