TCTC Jul 11 Caney Tournament Recap and spreadsheet

Started by BassBUFF, July 19, 2021, 12:30:54 PM

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We had 8 teams show for the July tournament at Caney.  Participation was half of normal.  Maybe we need to rethink voting on long distance locations in the future.

1st went to John S & Dave H with 19.74lbs!

2nd went to Matt R & Jeff L with 13.12lbs!

3rd went to Brad V & Harrison H with 12.02lbs!

John and Dave had the BB with a 6.09 hog!

Next tournament is on 1 Aug and at Cypress/Black Bayou.  Remember the bridge over BB is under construction and it is my understanding there is NO access to the dam side of the lake from the launch.  Tourney details will be posted the week prior.  Spreadsheet is attached.