Good news and just @!#*& news.

Started by geneinnc, September 24, 2020, 08:38:20 AM

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I have been useless and so looked forward to my Tuesday epidural.

I passed the pandemic test before you can check in now which is good. Checked in, filled out the form, grabbed my ID and plastic. I get called in immediately, and this is starting to worry me because it can't continue to be all good.

Signed all the paperwork and the nice lady said that will be $400. Did she forget the $75 discount for instant payment? Oh, you don't do that anymore? Since when and you don't know? And this 90 minute visit has gone from $5000 to $6000??? And why wasn't told about this on my confirmation phone call?????

Guys my temper used to be legendary and I could feel the heat coming from my head. I just turned around and went back to the lobby.

I told my retired RN baby doll wife I was out of here and she averted me going off, escorted off the premises and maybe worse.

I get called back, got a bed, robe and here comes the BP monitor. I know its going to be bad. I told nurses and doctor what transpired and my BP will be high.

Well.....I'm normally 115/70.
The nurse does a double take and calls the doctor.


Oh boy. My doc is the best and he has treated me since 2004 and he and the entire staff worked with my wife.  He very calmly told me if I wasn't comfortable with this we don't need to do the procedure. For some reason I calmed down immediately.

I explained just why I was so upset. I NEED THE INJECTIONS TO FUNCTION.
I know this and it's very difficult for us to pay $400 every 90 days. In fact it is impossible to pay it with both of us are on fixed income now. We do have investments to make it until dirt nap time but there is NO
room for that kind of medical care.

Here's the kicker. The epidural works!!! Relief kicks in fast. I was able to go fishing the next day. It lasts for 8 weeks and after that I'm just one day at a time.

What's next? I wish I knew.
There's not much left to budget. We drive cars that are 5 to 17 years old. I gave up golf and I need the exercise but it was give up golf or fishing.. I just pray my 20 year old Nitro keeps kicking.

I really do not know whats going to happen next, and that scares the Hell out of me.

Enough of my rant. Sorry guys, I needed to vent.

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Bud Kennedy

Gene, believe me when I say I fully understand.  Once upon a time I felt we had more than enough money to last us through our retirement years.  After a few medical deals it was quickly proved that the cash does not last all that long.  in addition us seniors have significant insurance costs not only for health care but other things like home, car, boat.  Even then the out of pocket for the deducts are stressful.  Some months the cash certainly comes up a bit short.

Our  vehicles are 13 & 15 years old and we certainly don't want to buy a new vehicle anytime soon.  As a senior we live in a cash only environment and do not have the time nor the security to finance anything.  So if you don't have the money you have to do with what you have.  All in all that is not too bad just have to keep on keeping on.

My Wife's recent medical issues that resulted in a two night stay in the hospital, an ambulance ride and numerous follow up medical visits has been an expensive deal.  The gross bill at the hospital was over $17K and thankfully insurance paid most of it.  For some reason the late summer early fall months are a real drain on the bank accounts.  I do have investments but we just don't touch them as this is the only safety net we have left.  I guess our goal is to leave this world with the same thing we entered the world with.    NOTHING.  It looks more and more like we are likely to reach that goal.   Our worst fear now is if one of us would have to enter into a care facility for extended periods of time.  If this happens then our safety net is likely gone.  I try not to worry about this stuff but from time to time it really bothers me.


Best advice I can give is start NOW to look at different Insurance Policies to see which one will give you the best coverage for what YOU need.

A simple plan change might make a huge difference in your life.

I know my Mother has looked and changed several times as she got older. The Plan that was perfect at say age 55 might really stink at 70 while another fits perfect now.

Doesn't cost you anything to look. Might save you money and frustration.

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