1911A1 replica

Started by TNDiver, June 21, 2020, 10:41:05 AM

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I really like classics so I am looking for the classic GI 1911, as true as I can get without breaking the bank on a real one from the era.  I was looking at Rock Island and Tisas, leaning toward the RI.  Anyone know of others out there I might be missing or have insight into either?  I have heard good things about RI and their warranty.  Have heard mixed on Tisas.
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UB Life Member: Starcraft Deck Boat with Minnkota Fortrex and Garmin Echomap Plus


For the money you cant beat RIA, I have one of their 1911's and it's a really good gun. I have heard good things about Tisas but not sure how their CS is I haven't used RIA CS but have not heard of anyone having problems with them.


A little 1911 history which may help in a decision. The 1911 was designed to be used at close quarters against Moro tribesmen in the Philippines. The Moro would attack with bolo (machete) from the jungle. The US needed a weapon for extreme close range with the power to knock an attacker backwards and take the bolo out of effective range. The technique is to shove the muzzle to the body and let the impact push the Moro away. The early 1911 had great impact but accuracy wasn't a strong point. The .45 acp round is round nosed and usually does not penetrate completely through a body. The round impacts and enters the body causing immediate drop of blood pressure and blackout.  The impact causes a pressure wave and can turn the insides into mush. The GI version is a great close range weapon. The 9 mm round will go completely through the body with lower impact than a .45 but greater penetration.
I carried a GI 1911 in Nam and two in shoulder holsters all of my federal career. Today, my carry weapon is a 3 in. barrel Kimber. The best carry .45 weapons have a fore weighted barrel which returns the weapon to target after firing. A good used Kimber costs about the same as a new Rock Island. A full size 1911 weighs 44 oz. A 3 inch Kimber weighs 25 oz. Both weapons are accurate.



not looking for a .45 for general carry.  I have a few of those  ;D. I was looking for something more correct to the original.  I am a traditionalist at heart.  I heard of another maker as more accurate, but then got to thinking, why not buy an original.  I can find them pretty reasonable for $1,500 - 2,000 range.  Man, some people are really proud of their GI 1911's!    Saw most going for $4,000-8,000 and more! 

The other side is, I probably wouldn't want to shoot an original much, but then again, they were built well so should handle a few rounds every now and then.  Decisions, decisions
There is nothing like sharing any moment outdoors with someone special!

UB Life Member: Starcraft Deck Boat with Minnkota Fortrex and Garmin Echomap Plus