baitcaster right or left cranking

Started by cookieman, November 20, 2019, 07:17:32 PM

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Just to chime in, not much that hasn't already been said.

#1 I am a believer in the small advantage of using LH BCs (not having to switch hands). Technically its only a second or mili-second of time saved, but life is all about efficiency. (I still use a right handed SpinCast closed face reel for panfishing/catfishing though, and I don't use spinning reels)
#2 I am pretty ambidextrous. I play guitar so my left hand is up there in the strength and muscle memory level of my right hand. So it was a no-brainer for me to use LH baitcasters from the start.

With a normal right handed person, it is going to feel a bit awkward at first cranking but you should get used to it pretty quick with a few weekend sessions in the backyard practice casting (just like when you had to do learning a baitcaster for the first time)
And I also like cupping the BC with my dominant right hard for rod twitching, if I used a RH BC I would've had to learn how to cup the reel and control it with my left hand. So either way its a learning curve applied.

I learned how to use a baitcaster for the first time last year and didn't have to go through the left hand growing pains so it was a bit easier, but i'd say its worth it to use LH and never look back.


Crank right handed on casting reels left on spinning reels. If I could re learn 'Id crank baitcasters with my left also but that's going to happen.

Pacific NW Ron

To me the choice is completely personal.  I've tried a left hand and I can't use it.  I'm perfectly comfortable and happy with a right hand.  I don't even notice that I change hands.  Many times I change hands before the bait hits the water.  It doesn't bother me at all.
Enjoying retirement in the great Pacific Northwest.  I've turned into a fair weather angler.  Why do it today when I can do it tomorrow?


Quote from: cookieman on November 20, 2019, 07:17:32 PM
Went to look at baitcaster reels the other day at bass pro. the guy at the reels suggested i get a left handed reel that way idont have to switch hands to crank. I use  a left crank spinning reel that works great but not sure about the left hand baitcaster. What do some of you guys use?

I use a left handed reel for casting, but I use a right handed reel on my trolling rods.  I'm right-handed


I am right handed but use left handed reels feels more natural to me.


My problem is that I've been using a left cranking bait casting reel for about sixty years and you know the old dog, new trick deal.  That said, for a young right handed person it would be a good idea to start with a left crank or change to a left crank now.


My reason is somewhat baseball related and being a late bloomer to BCs.  As a former baseball player, I catch with my left and throw with my right.   I grew up on spinning reels and casting a spinning reel with my right hand was natural and easy with one hand. When I decided to start buying BC's in my 40's, I knew there would be a learning curve in casting the reel, but knew I had to throw with my right hand or most likely 2 hands on my right side.   When I grip a BC combo, the reel feels way more natural and comfortable in my glove-hand (left).  The way I palm a reel gives me the sense of a baseball in my glove.  The reeling aspect felt smoother with my right hand. I like the way my mind correlated the reel as the glove side and the handle as the throwing side.   As soon as I try to use my son's left-handed BC, I instantly get the feeling of having a baseball glove on the wrong hand.  Odd as this all may sound, I've never correlated a spinning reel in the same manner.  It's a totally different feel in how the reel is held and used.  Casting with my dominate hand takes precedence in both reels first, then it's comfort after that. . 

It doesn't bother me casting right and switching left with a BC.    I kinda like the motion. I have, however, played around with getting better at casting my BC on the left side but the accuracy suffers a bit.