WDFW Fishing Rule Change: Salmon season to close on the Lewis River

Started by Pacific NW Ron, February 22, 2020, 11:12:23 AM

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Pacific NW Ron

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, WA 98501-1091

February 21, 2020

Salmon season to close on the Lewis River

Action: Closes salmon fishing.

Effective date: March 1, 2020 until further notice.

Species affected: Salmon.

Location: Lewis River (Clark/Cowlitz Co.): from the mouth to the overhead power lines below Merwin Dam.

Reason for action: The 2020 Lewis River spring Chinook run forecast is 1,370 fish.  Based on this forecast, there is not expected to be enough fish above the hatchery broodstock need to support a fishery. Closing the salmon fishing season in the Lewis River will increase the number of hatchery fish available for broodstock and help ensure future hatchery returns.

Additional information: Harvest of salmon on the Lewis River may be allowed if in-season data, including hatchery returns, show the actual run size is large enough to support harvest. All other permanent rules remain in effect, including allowed harvest of hatchery steelhead in the effective locations described above. Please refer to the 2019-20 Sport Fishing Pamphlet for complete rule information.

Information contact: Region 5 Ridgefield office, 360-696-6211. For latest information, press *1010.
Enjoying retirement in the great Pacific Northwest.  I've turned into a fair weather angler.  Why do it today when I can do it tomorrow?