NH Schoolyard Action Grant Applications Now Being Accepted

Started by Smallie_Stalker, November 22, 2019, 04:27:13 PM

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NH Schoolyard Action Grant Applications Now Being Accepted


Lindsay Webb, NH Fish and Game: 603-271-6649
Ted Kendziora, US Fish and Wildlife Service: 603-227-6412

November 22, 2019

CONCORD, NH – Are you an educator with a project idea that involves students in enhancing their schoolyard for wildlife habitat, connects them with the outdoors, and integrates nature into learning that aligns with curricula? The New Hampshire Partnership for Schoolyard Action is now accepting grant applications for schools with students from pre-kindergarten through grade twelve to help fund nature-based learning projects.

Schoolyard Action Grant applications are being accepted through January 31, 2020. Grants are typically awarded in amounts of up to $1,500.

For more information and a grant application, visit:


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service New England Field Office, New Hampshire Project Learning Tree, the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, and New Hampshire Audubon have partnered to support Granite State schools through the New Hampshire Partnership for Schoolyard Action Grants. This partnership was created to make it easier for educators to apply for a grant to enhance their school yards to support nature-based studies. The common grant application works for all four of the partner organizations and greatly simplifies the application process.

Examples of projects that have been funded by the partner organizations in the past include the establishment of pollinator gardens, the creation of outdoor learning areas, installing solar-powered bird baths, and replanting of school grounds with native plants that enhance wildlife habitat. Other types of projects eligible for support include trail or pond creation, citizen science activities, and bird feeding or watering stations.

Projects or items not eligible for funding include vegetable gardens, staff time, field trips, school grounds landscaping, or purchase of educational supplies unless they are directly related to the project.

This year recipients of awarded grants also have the opportunity to receive technical assistance from a NH Fish and Game wildlife biologist to find local seed and plant sources, learn planting techniques, and connect schools with national pollinator and monarch projects. Schools interested in planting common milkweed for monarchs will also be able to receive up to 20 free plants for their project. This technical assistance is made possible by the New England Forests and Rivers Fund at the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.

Both student and community involvement in planning and on-site work is strongly encouraged. Professional consultation is available for project planning.

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