Prop and Jack Plate Questions

Started by Robwall, June 12, 2019, 07:07:25 PM

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Can someone tell me what the best prop is for my 1997 Nitro LX 700 with a 120 Force?
Also the proper jack plate size is for the same boat?


Honestly that's a toughie.

The Force Outboards were made by several different manufacturers over the years with Mercury making the last couple of years.

I had a Force 120 that was a 89 model I do believe if I remember correctly. It was made by Chrysler. Yes Chrysler.

When it blew up I looked to rebuild it and no one wanted to do it. They all said they were Junk and not worth the money, as the parts were from different suppliers and all mixed in over different years and even within the same year.

I ended up finding a guy that had a Merc 115 he had completely rebuilt for a customer that backed out of paying for it, So he sold it to me for what he had in it. Cost me $1,400 mounted and my old Force he kept for parts. I was happy.

So back to your question, I'd start with a 22 or 23 and see where you are with RPMs. If your close now with what you got, raising and/or lowering the Jackplate will allow you to fine tune it.

Sorry that I can't be of more help.

Ron Fogelson

97 force is a Merc, 120 based on your RPM's should be propped with a 23 but your load, jackplate, SS or aluminum are all factors that will dictate what works best.  Whats on it now?


Stock 21 pitch is on it now.
And I haven't purchased a jack plate yet, not sure how big of setback I need. ?

Ron Fogelson

I think a 6 inch set back is about the norm for nitro

Still need your Max RPMs your running, how the boat is acting now that you want to change?

I had a 640 years back with a 75, 40 was about as fast as I ever seen it, switched to a SS prop ad had to drop down in pitch to spin it.