Alabama Rig rod advice

Started by mygreenihc, August 05, 2019, 04:29:46 PM

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i throw an Alabama rig a fairly good bit,  but only for part of the year.  I also need a good Carolina rig rod and I am hoping to roll this into one rod and I wanted your thoughts on this.

I have researched a little and below are the three rods that I am looking at.

Fury FR806SB - Swimbaits, Wakebaits, Umbrella rigs
Champion DC806HSB - Swimbaits, Glidebaits, Mag Topwater, Umbrella Rigs
Champion DC 804C - Carolina Riggin Special, Draggin Jigs, Pitchin, Swimbaits, Umbrella Rigs

If you were looking for a rod to primarily C-rig and A-rig with,  which one would you choose.




What size Umbrella rig?

I personally think the 804c is going to give you a better Carolina rig rod but the really big A-rig is going to give it some trouble.

I would think a 795SB would probably fit the bill the best.
3rd place 2017 UB IBASS 377.75"
AOY 2018 IBASS Cool Casters  369.00"
AOY 2019 IBASS Cool Casters  362.50"


Thanks Zippy,

Now that I have looked at the lure weight rating on those two rods,  I have to agree with you.  The Carolina rig rod is rated for 3/8 to 1-1/2 oz,  while the 806 is rated for 2 to 8 ounces.  That is a major difference in lure weight for the same length and heavy action rating.  The 806 may even be a little too heavy.

The umbrella rig that I use the most is a Yumbrella Flash Mob jr,  or that equivalent size rig.  I do not use the big ones.  I am currently throwing it with a DX745c and it handles it well,  but it just doesn't feel quite right.  With an A-rig,  feel is not important so the DX rods are overkill.

I just want to get a rod that loads up and throws well with a 2-1/2 to 3 ounce A-rig.  Any recommendations?



After looking at the 795SB,  you may be right.  I didn't consider it because of the Med heavy rating,  but this rig is on the lighter side of things and throwing it with a MH rod would be my only concern.  But,  if it is setup for this,  it might be my best option.

Thanks for the help.




That is a medium heavy swimbait rod. So it is still a heavy rod by any other standard. Sometimes Gary's rating can be confusing.
3rd place 2017 UB IBASS 377.75"
AOY 2018 IBASS Cool Casters  369.00"
AOY 2019 IBASS Cool Casters  362.50"


The 795SBR is a good A rig rod. I wouldn't use it for a C-rig rod though. I usually use a 1/2 oz weight, maybe 3/4 if it's really deep  for the ol' ball and chain.
Any 7ft.+ MH or H rod should work fine.

Gary Dobyns

I think it's going to be tough to get both of these techniques covered with one rod. Can you do it, yes. But there's far better options to be more efficient and not work yourself to death too. Of the models you listed I'd say 804C will be best. Don't overlook 794 SB rod either. That rod is sweet for A-Rigs and 10 XD even though it was made for swim baits.


I've been throwing a c-rig and a-rig on a 804C for years, and it works perfect for both. The tip on it allows me to chunk the a-rig a pretty good distance, and it doesn't wear me out after throwing it all day.