Night Fishin

Started by ckanipe, May 14, 2006, 10:28:29 AM

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Hey Guys! I joined Mid-West Sportsman's Tennessee Division #9 (Night Fishing League). I have never did any night fishing at all. (just wanted the experience). Any words of wisdom? I got my butt kicked the last 2 times out! :'(

By the way, if you guys are ever up this way (East Tennessee) drop me a line and we'll go fishing! I 'm within 5 - 45 minutes of 7 great lakes!


Jared LeBlue

Try using a black light and string that shows up good under a black light. I don't use a black light that often ant more but I'm use to fishing at night. Until you get the feel of it I would suggest the black light. Also don't get all caught up in color selection. Dark colors work good, it doesn't really matter what they are just dark. Some people will tell you to use a blue flake or a red flake but unless there is some light, like the moon or a lit up boat dock, I don't think the flake makes any difference. One of the big key things at night is to slow down.
Ardent Prostaff