Lower back pain breakthrough

Started by Dark3, December 17, 2023, 09:51:23 AM

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Ive struggled most of my life with low back pain and especially since 2010. Im told I have a disc protrusion and some minor/moderate bulging discs. The protrusion is applying pressure on a nerve root. In the last 2 years its got to the point that sitting in a soft seat even for 2 minutes would cause pain and severe spasms leading me to a life of standing and laying down mostly. Im in a athletic job still and work out consistently. Ive hung up my running shoes and lift weights and incline walk primarily and am in pretty good shape all things considered.

Its not often that you get an aha! moment but I want to share mine in my journey of self treatment.

Ive always suffered from "tight" hamstrings. I believe I have a moderate anterior pelvic tilt. Ive learned to control my pelvis and core and its made a world of difference. I can literally control how tight my hamstrings are instantly by tilting forward and backwards sort of like the pelvic action in the cat cow. Its taken some practice and trust to round my lower back. Ive been avoiding rounding my back and have been arching my lower back, conscious of my posture but I believe that was putting me into ATP and causing compression in the lower back. Now when correcting my posture I will put my hands on my hips, rock the pelvis backwards to gain awareness and control and then will push it forward. Then make my upper back and chest tall and proud. Loosening the hip flexors and strengthening the core and glutes is key especially loosening the hip flexors as they will not allow you to get into a straight pelvic position.

I know that was alot and I can share in detail anything about this but for those suffering give this a try. You have to be consistent and conscious of it all the time though. While laying down in bed, sitting, and standing. Im hoping in more time I wont have to be as aware of it.

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big g

During my early years 17 years of playing football, heavy weight lifting, horse ownership, and years of feeling indestructible, resulted in two back surgeries, a drop foot from nerve damage, acupuncture, years of anti-inflammatories, and various pain pills.  The think that I finally have it under control for the past 15 years, and pain free.  Intense physical therapy with a professional corrected the situation, but I am still cautious before doing physical stuff, and now always think before reacting.  At the first sign of any back tightness, I change what I'm doing before any pain sets in.  You never forget where you've been, and how horrible it can be.  I always feel for those experiencing the Bear! :o
(Fish) - P/B 11.4, Everglades, L67, L28, Little 67, Alligator Alley, Sawgrass, Holey Land, Loxahatchee, Ida, Osbourne, Okeechobee, Weston Lakes. Broward and Dade Canals.

Mike Cork

I've had 4 surgeries (3 fusions) and to this day I wish I never had the first one, however I didn't have a choice the A.F. said I "will".

I still contend that with some more PT (maybe better PT) I might be better today.

Congratulations on figuring something out that works for you  ~c~  ~c~  I just had a set of injects in l5-S1 that left me with two numb legs, to include everything in-between  :shocking:  only last about two hours but was spooky.

I have horrible posture, and very tight hamstrings. I need to work on both.

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Mike, you're too young to have all that going on! At least my age is my excuse plus arthritis of the back, neck and some joints. I haven't had a good night sleep in year (5-6 hrs. at most. Plus, piss'n four-five times a night due to an enlarged prostate and weak bladder doesn't help. Getting back to sleep is a problem due to joint problems made worse doing activities I don't usually do on a daily bases like lifting a 60 lb battery into and out of my small V-bottom and mowing uneven ground with the John Deere riding mower. I know for sure I will pay the price at night.

Posture is important when it comes to a recliner or bed I found out recently. Laying on my side in bed is also a no no and I get up in the morning stiff and hunched over - until I discovered a few things that changed everything!

A few months ago I figured I needed a new mattress, went to the store and tried out a few. Too soft or too hard for the most part. But. The lady showed me a bed that has a remote control to adjust the back and/or legs. I noticed my wife sleeps fine with pillows that elevate her back and figured after buying the bed, to try sleeping with my back elevated. Also, not laying on my side helped big time! Dang if I didn't wake up to far less stiffness in the morning - especially the back!

The other thing recommended was a recliner that has seperate back, head  and leg head elevation controls. We sit watching TV for 2+hours every evening. If one position becomes uncomfortable, I change, reclining more or less different body parts. Even the head support feature is better than using a small pillow (though a pillow behind the lower back helps prevent a curvature that makes getting out of the chair a problem). Of course, Tylenol or Alleve is still necessary almost every night for minor aches that affect sleep and getting back to sleep.

Chronic pain at any age sucks, but at least it never affects my fishing for 5-6 hours.


first of all:  thank you to all who've shared.  trying to figure out how to take care of the back gets to be a very individualized process.

I have an S1/L5 spondylolythesis.  stenosis.  about 5 years ago, couldn't walk more than 100 feet before the pain/burning become unbearable.  I could crouch down and 'reset'...

that's also when I discovered gravity tables (think Teeter hangup).  was able to 'pop' the lower back into alignment with 'traction' and it was a steady improvement from there.

last three years i have worked HARD on core strength, some mobility.  spend over an hour each day on core strengthening. 

back still sucks and I have to be extremely careful.  can't stand up in one position for very long, but can now walk for an hour or more without pain/stopping.

hamstrings are VERY tight and they're next on my list of things to attack.

getting old is not for sissies.  and while I have my own share of mis-adventures while young, know they pale in comparison to all you all old warriors.

big g

I could not agree more, tight hamstrings are a major part of the whole problem.  Always start the day now with a stretching routine, concentrating on the hamstrings.  Good luck nothing worse than lower back pain!
(Fish) - P/B 11.4, Everglades, L67, L28, Little 67, Alligator Alley, Sawgrass, Holey Land, Loxahatchee, Ida, Osbourne, Okeechobee, Weston Lakes. Broward and Dade Canals.

Donald Garner

CF, my good man I'll add you to my daily prayers.  Hate to hear of any one having back pain or leg pain.  No matter the pain location it just sux's.

It seems also that it takes longer to heal.  With my Stage III Kidney Disease I've had my share of hamstring, knee and calf pain issues.  Right now the only pain I'm dealing with is in my knees.  If I spend a long period of time sitting my knees bother me.  Once I get up and move around some the pain disappears.  Sitting in my recliner I don't have the knee pain issue.     
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


i am so much better today than I was even 3 years ago...

and improving daily!