Fishing the "hills" on Clarks Hill

Started by CaptainSolo, June 13, 2017, 03:32:37 PM

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Passing through Augusta, decided to spend a few days to get out on Clarks Hill. I have had a history on Clarks Hill, with a few championships Ive fished being held on the lake. It has always been a difficult fishery to me, but I have warmed up to it over the years.

This week I decided I could either go shallow and pick off the bluegill eaters (usually pretty small) or I could go chase the chunky schoolers offshore. I decided on the later and have been having alot of fun catching some decent bass. The first thing I will say is that I learned that the fish schooling on the surface will drive you absolutely mad. One moment they will be schooling, and as soon as you cast your bait they will have stopped, and even when you get your bait in the middle of the feeding school, you are hard pressed to even get a bite due to the fact that the fish are so focused on the baitfish they are chasing. I ended up switching gears and slowed down with a shakey head and a weighted wacky rig. I fished these bottom baits on humps, or "hills" around the main river channel that came up to around 12' and ended up catching some quality fish.

It certainly wasnt on fire, but for a few days of dead calm weather, and clear water, I consider this offshore hump pattern with finesse techniques a success.

Lee Smith

Great trip!  Next time on them schoolers use the biggest loudest lure you have in the boat!  It works  ;)
Builder of Custom Personal Bassin' Rods


Thanks for the report and it's been a long time since I've fish a bunch of schoolers.  :)

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet