Cross Lake Bass Fishing Reports 21 March 06

Started by Ron Fogelson, March 22, 2006, 08:17:53 PM

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Ron Fogelson

Hit Cross from about 1230 till 1600 yesterday worked the west end with traps, spinners, jigs, sinkos and flipping brushhogs for about 3 hours without a bite.  Ran into anther guy out there that stayed for about 45min to an hour flipping looked to be a creature bait in black TX rigged and he said he didn't have not even a bump but out on the main lake had caught 8 but the wind was blowing so hard it was difficult to fish.  He left to go back out and I followed to find a spot on the main lake out of the wind.

Had 4 bites and boated 3 to slots and a dink in the last 30min on a spinnerbait in chartruse blue and white 3/8 ounce all were shallow one off a dock the the last 3 came off buck brush and they hammered it. 

Water was heavily stained and cold on the west end 53.2 was the warmest.  Off a point on main lake I found 58 but the wind and waves were to bad to fish in my cast found some 56 under a bridge back in a cove and thats where I hooked into them.

Was a pain to launch, scratched up my boat from the launch, trailer & floating dock the wind pushed my boat back to shore while trying to get it off the trailer, ended up having to use the trolling motor on high to get up of the ramp and out the the dock and then it got beat up while parking the truck.

See you on the water