Taking the strain off your truck transmission at the boat ramp

Started by fishinfranklin, October 02, 2009, 07:52:46 PM

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I see lots of people back there boat down the ramp with the trans in reverse,and when they go to put in into gear the trans will be in a bind from putting it into park with pressure of the boat pulling on it,, The way i prevent this is when i get the boat on the ramp going down i shift into neutral and ride the brake letting the boat pull me down the ramp and then i apply my Ebrake before shifting into park. this will let the trans be free and not in a bind when you get back in and start to put it into gear it will shift without any kind of a bind on it.


Yea i see alot of people try to tear their trannies out cause they dont think about this.

Great Tip!

Mike Cork

I do this everytime but never thought to post it! Thanks for sharing!!!!

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Ron Fogelson

That is a great reminder, it's amazing the things we do each day and never think they are tips other folks don't know.

For me I back down loading or unlading the boat in reverse and than shift to low and hit the parking brake, when it's time for me to pull up I just release the parking brake and hit the gas.  I know it's possible that one day my parking brake will give out and the truck could roll in the water but that's just how I do it because I hate to hear others clunk the trany when they go from park to drive to pull up.


Having lived a few places with steep driveways, I've found the trick to avoiding tranny damage when parking on a slope is:

Stop the vehicle & hold with service brake
Apply parking brake
Slowly release service brake, then reapply (this puts the full load on the parking brake)
Shift to Park
Release service brake

Exiting a slope is easier:

Apply service brake
Put tranny in gear
Release parking brake
Release service brake

Taught the wife how to do this as well, and now I don't have to hear that nasty "CLUNK" when shifting into gear. I'm sure the tranny appreciates it. :)

Ray Emory

Those trannys cost some money these days, the more ways to help protect your trucks trans the better for everyone, thankyou!!


Quote from: Mike on October 02, 2009, 08:18:42 PM
I do this everytime but never thought to post it! Thanks for sharing!!!!

Yeah, same here....never thought to post it as a tip before. Thanks Franklin  :-* :-*
2020 IBASS Gold - Zone 2 - AOY
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 Thanks guy's,I have seen the damage inside a trans from this, it brakes the parking paw/shift selector arm and in some cases may require a compete tear down to repair and can cost over a grand or more!


I do this when I actually back my boat in, but in Tournaments its hard to tell a Angler that you have never met or just met sometimes the procedure. I'm going to bring it up at the next briefing... GREAT IDEA OF POSTING IT HERE..
Good Luck and Fish Hard...

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Trannies do cost a lot of money...remember the trouble Danny Bonnaducci (Danny Partridge) got into?   ~roflmao

excellent tip  FFrankie..


Ok guys its that time of the year , when we all are just getting started for the new fishing season and all in a hurry to get our boats in the water,,just DONT forget about your trans!!!!


"Kistler Rods Team" "Eye Crossin Custom Lures"  "Fishwhittler Custom Lures" "Knawbone Jigs" "Big River Tackle"


Good tip !! Good thing the only thing I will have to pay for is the parts , if mine ever goes out.  ;D


Along with saving the 'park-paw',shifting into neutral before backing down the ramp helps me keep the rig going straight. Can't count the times I've heard that awful "clank/clunk"  getting out of 'park', from people not using the parking-brake. Another "park-related" thing few people use these days are the parking lights. Parked,waiting in a lot or along the road,there they sit, with ^-^ headlights BLASTING into oncoming trafic! Backing down the launching ramps while looking into a pair of headlights is a real treat too!  ;D


Never thought about this, great tip, may save me some money.


One other tip is to always pull out of a ramp with the shifter in 1 or low, all the clutches are engaged and it helps keep heat down.
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.


A good tip for  backing up a trailer is to put your hand at the bottom  of the steering  wheel. Turn the wheel the direction  you want the to trailer  to go. I've not had trouble  backing  up but it works especially  on a long back up. Can concentrate  on what's behind you.


Great tip FishinFranklin -- I never thought of doing as you suggested although I always hated to hear the clunk when I shifted out of park. Last week I tried out your suggestion at the ramp and my shifting and pull-out was quiet as a mouse.

The Bassmeister

This is a great tip, for this reason I prefer to load and unload myself at the ramp. 
Ranger 519VX 200 Optimax

Cross her eyes!