Important read : stick marsh and

Started by MCS, September 06, 2014, 08:18:21 PM

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I am reposting see below

My name is Dustin Everitt and I am a Fisheries Biologist with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) at the Ocala Regional Office.  Despite working out of Ocala, I am the lead fisheries management biologist for water bodies in the St. Johns River basin, and I have a lot of experience working on Stick Marsh, Kenansville, Garcia, Three Forks and Fellsmere Reservoirs.  I know these resources well, and it is my goal to manage these fisheries effectively for the benefit of our state's freshwater anglers.

Some of you may already be aware, but the Division of Freshwater Fisheries Management is working towards revamping the current statewide largemouth bass regulation to bring uniformity across the state and address outdated scientific issues with the existing regulation.  Currently, within our region, the daily statewide harvest regulation for largemouth bass is a 5 fish bag limit, with a minimum size of 14" and only one fish over 22".  The new statewide regulation will keep the existing daily 5 fish bag limit, but only allow the harvest of fish less than 16" except for one fish that can be 16" long or longer.  As you will notice, the new regulation helps protect the desirable larger bass over 16", but it also provides an opportunity for someone to catch and keep smaller bass (which are most often males and slow-growing females that will never reach trophy size), and one larger bass if they so desire.  If this proposed regulation is approved, it would become effective July 1, 2016 at the earliest.

So, what does any of this have to do with Stick Marsh and Kenansville?  Stick Marsh and Kenansville are currently listed as catch and release-only water bodies for largemouth bass. However, if the proposed regulation is approved, our Division is considering moving all water bodies under the new regulation.  This means that the catch and release regulation at Stick Marsh and Kenansville could change to the new statewide regulation in 2016 unless biological and sociological justifications are strong enough to keep the current catch and release regulation in place.

This change could provide advantages and disadvantages for Stick Marsh/Kenansville bass anglers, depending on your point of view.  Below are a few things that I believe will happen if catch and release is removed at Stick Marsh/Kenansville:

·         Regulations will become less restrictive and allow anglers to harvest small largemouth bass for table fare.

·         Due to the productivity and bass growth rates in the Upper Basin, harvest of fish less than 16" is unlikely to influence or reduce the existing bass population.

·         Allowing harvest of trophy largemouth bass may impact the trophy bass population in these reservoirs.  Every trophy bass removed from Stick Marsh and Kenansville is one less trophy fish available to be caught.  If harvest is high, it may change the average size structure of the fish population, and affect trophy bass catch rates.

·         Organized tournaments will be allowed to occur at Stick Marsh and Kenansville, potentially increasing the amount of angling effort and economic impact at these reservoirs.

I am sorry for the length of this email, and if you're still with me I appreciate it.  Here is the bottom line:  I am soliciting feedback from Stick Marsh and Kenansville anglers to be able to determine what support or opposition exists for changing the catch and release regulation.  If you are interested in this topic and want to provide me with your opinion/feedback, I invite you to email me so I can send you a one-page survey, or you can call me at the number listed below during business hours.  Your opinion is important to me, and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Please forward this email and information to anyone you know that fishes or has a vested interest in Stick Marsh and/or Kenansville Reservoirs.


Dustin W. Everitt
Fisheries Biologist III
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Division of Freshwater Fisheries Management
Northeast Regional Office

1239 S.W. 10th St
Ocala, FL  34471

(352)732-1225 (Office)

Romans 1:16    2 Corinthians 5:17     3 John 1:4
"I'm sorry. I'm not very tolerant when it comes to the liberals who complain about everything." Mike Ditka
"I'd like to know why well-educated idiots keep apologizing for lazy and complaining people who think the world owes them a living." John Wayne

george short

no way keep those fishiers the way they are. :-\ :-\ :-\
guide in florida lakes , Garcia /stickmarsh /Jackson /Kenansville /Kissimmee .name of guide service is foxtail guide service.please call 443-807-9668 no fish no pay .will provide 2 fisherman with room and food , pick up at Orlando airport and take back call for price, booking for jan. feb. march




Agenda: Discussing Stick Marsh and Lake Kenansville Largemouth Bass Regulations
Location: Bass Pro Shop in Palm Bay, FL
Date and Time: October 22nd, 2014 from 6-8pm
Who should attend: Anyone interested in voicing their opinion on potential regulation changes at Stick Marsh/Kenansville

Also wanted to include something from the email that everyone should probably read:

Historically, turnout for public meetings by freshwater anglers can be described as dismal at best. Duck hunters, saltwater anglers, deer hunters etc. are typically better organized and more vocal concerning potential regulation changes that affect them. It is my sincere hope that we receive high attendance from Stick Marsh anglers at the upcoming public meeting. This is the time and the arena for the public to be able to have an impact on the management and future of these resources. Even if anglers have completed the online survey, their attendance at the public meeting will provide them with an opportunity to discuss their opinion face to face with other anglers and FWC biologists. This interaction will be instrumental in helping the FWC determine future bass regulations in the Upper St. Johns River Basin.
Romans 1:16    2 Corinthians 5:17     3 John 1:4
"I'm sorry. I'm not very tolerant when it comes to the liberals who complain about everything." Mike Ditka
"I'd like to know why well-educated idiots keep apologizing for lazy and complaining people who think the world owes them a living." John Wayne

Creel Limit Zero

Forgive me for being nosey, as I have not fished in Florida waters before.  But this new proposal of Florida Largemouth bass regulations, looks to be a statewide initiative.  Does this mean, for tournament anglers, you will no longer be able to bring in more than 1 fish over 16" to the scales, in all of Florida? 


Quote from: Creel Limit Zero on September 16, 2014, 10:54:56 AM
Forgive me for being nosey, as I have not fished in Florida waters before.  But this new proposal of Florida Largemouth bass regulations, looks to be a statewide initiative.  Does this mean, for tournament anglers, you will no longer be able to bring in more than 1 fish over 16" to the scales, in all of Florida?

I dunno if anybody else will answer, I am read what the tourney guys say, but I believe they get a wavier/exemptions for tourneys. Right now the regs vary as you can see some are 1- 18 length others 1-22 length....So it already is in some places a short fish and tourneys are exempt. The big issue is allowing tourneys and keeping fish at all at these two areas as right now it is C&R, no fish in live wells. And stick marsh is one of the best fisheries in the state like that.

small piece of current regs
■ 5 Black bass (largemouth, Suwannee, bag limit while waiting for FWC staff certi- inches in total length must be released spotted, and shoal bass, individually or in fication. The fish must then be live-released immediately. Black bass bag limit is three, total), only one of which may be 22 inches in the water body where it was caught. only one of which may be 24 inches in total or longer in total length. length or longer. – In south Florida (see Page 20 Special bag and length limits ■ Lake Okeechobee: Black bass less than for map): only one bass may be 14 See Fish Management Area regulations for 18 inches in total length must be released inches in total length or longer. bag and length limits for lakes in the Fish immediately. Black bass bag limit is five, – South and east of the Suwannee River Management Area system (Pages 21–28). only one of which may be 22 inches in (see Page 20 for map): black bass

Check this link out and there are some interesting survey data and info posted
Romans 1:16    2 Corinthians 5:17     3 John 1:4
"I'm sorry. I'm not very tolerant when it comes to the liberals who complain about everything." Mike Ditka
"I'd like to know why well-educated idiots keep apologizing for lazy and complaining people who think the world owes them a living." John Wayne

Creel Limit Zero

Thanks for the heads up, as long as they are offering exemptions for tournament anglers, all is fine with me.  I'm sure you guys will be happy to be allowed to have a tourney on Stick Marsh.   ~c~


Quote from: Creel Limit Zero on September 16, 2014, 12:15:20 PM
Thanks for the heads up, as long as they are offering exemptions for tournament anglers, all is fine with me.  I'm sure you guys will be happy to be allowed to have a tourney on Stick Marsh.   ~c~

Seems a great opportunity, if nothing else, to put in place some great data on impacts of these regs.  assuming good baseline info on places like Stick Marsh.

I also wonder what the general thoughts are from the guides who spend lots of time on Stick?  they'll have opinions I am sure...

Simplified regs are becoming more prevalent across states  ...  makes it easier on the anglers and hopefully aids in recruitment of anglers.

and I'm aware of special regs that allow tournaments/tournament anglers to purchase a special permit for the objective would typically be to release all at end anyway.  tournament folks get to do what they like; the state gets to have an additional income stream.

every one is happy.   lo


George welcome would be a guy to ask! He's a great guy and been guiding on that lake for years!


Reminder If you live in the area and can attend Meeting regarding stick marsh regs see attached

[attachment outdated - deleted by admin]
Romans 1:16    2 Corinthians 5:17     3 John 1:4
"I'm sorry. I'm not very tolerant when it comes to the liberals who complain about everything." Mike Ditka
"I'd like to know why well-educated idiots keep apologizing for lazy and complaining people who think the world owes them a living." John Wayne


Crazy I fished these spot growing up, before the boat ramps were paved and 10hp and under. I used to swim at the Dam right at the Stickmarsh landing and caught my first 8 lb from Garcia's when I was 13yrs old.

george short

i have been guiding down here for three months,my clients and I have caught over 15 bass 9 pounds to 12 pounds and every one wanted to take it home . that should tell you what would happen to these lakes very fast .they would almost want to fight with me ,so please keep these lakes catch and release only, if not 2 years and they will be done
guide in florida lakes , Garcia /stickmarsh /Jackson /Kenansville /Kissimmee .name of guide service is foxtail guide service.please call 443-807-9668 no fish no pay .will provide 2 fisherman with room and food , pick up at Orlando airport and take back call for price, booking for jan. feb. march




Quote from: george short on March 14, 2015, 09:54:02 AM
i have been guiding down here for three months,my clients and I have caught over 15 bass 9 pounds to 12 pounds and every one wanted to take it home . that should tell you what would happen to these lakes very fast .they would almost want to fight with me ,so please keep these lakes catch and release only, if not 2 years and they will be done
Does Jerry still own the stickmarsh bait and tackle?


I'm not from your area but we have a lake that has a one bass 18" or longer limit.
It is one of the finest waters in WI.
Next record Musky, LM, and Panfish are expected to come from this BOW.
George, Took, I think you anglers have the right idea!
"Fishing isn't life or death... it's more important than that."


Im in agreement with George as well. Heavy heavy pressure lakes are little to no fun in most cases.

Stickmarsh is a great fishery for a reason. No one person needs 5 fish a day. I say two max between 14-17" only.

And create more catch and release only lakes.