Shreveport/Bossier Bass Club

Started by Ron Fogelson, January 02, 2006, 08:21:30 PM

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Ron Fogelson

Does anyone know of a bass club in Shreveport/Bossier that fishes on Saturday's?

If you know of one could you post here and lets us know.



dave the dope man

Fogy, I want to say that the Bayou Bandits do, but I am not sure of that.....Dave

Siggy by DundeeMike

Ron Fogelson

Thanks Dave, do you have a POC for them by chance?


Check Bayou

Also their is another club that gives the option of fishing Sat or Sun...can't think of the name of them though

Ron Fogelson

And there is the one on Caddo if they still fish it.  Its not a club that I know of, but a monthly fruit jar kinda thing, done on Saturdays.

Darren Elllingwood

NorthWest Louisiana has most of it's tournaments on Saturdays and on local lakes.  If you need info just shoot me an e-mail and I will get back to you.

Tight Lines Elwood


40 & Over Bass Club fishes every 4th Saturday,we are a club on the grow,& always looking for more.If you are interested contact me here or email

And Jesus calling them to him said, suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of God.


Are you club guys competing for small pots and so forth?


The entry fee is 15.00 per tournament,8.00 goes to the pot,2.00 goes to Big bass,& 5.00 goes to the club.At our last tournament 21 people fished,not a real big pot but not too bad.

And Jesus calling them to him said, suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of God.


Quote from: Don Bonner on March 07, 2006, 07:04:49 PM
The entry fee is 15.00 per tournament,8.00 goes to the pot,2.00 goes to Big bass,& 5.00 goes to the club.At our last tournament 21 people fished,not a real big pot but not too bad.


Don, Sent you a PM yesterday for some more info on your club.


  i tried to send  you some info but it came back,said your mailbox was full.i will try again right now 6:51pm 03/08/06

And Jesus calling them to him said, suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of God.


Don, did you see my post on the St. Jude thread.  I went to reeves today and they didnt have any forms.  anywhere  to download them?


I have these forms in my computer but don't know how to get them over into email
ps travis or academy may have some left,if not i will get some more out there
                                                  thanks look back at la fishing info
And Jesus calling them to him said, suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of God.



Quote from: Don Bonner on March 08, 2006, 06:53:19 PM
  i tried to send  you some info but it came back,said your mailbox was full.i will try again right now 6:51pm 03/08/06


Sorry about that Don. Cleaned it out yesterday, can you give it another try? Thanks!


I gave you some wrong info the other day,anual dues is 30.00,this includes A.L.B.C.

                                                       Thanks Don
And Jesus calling them to him said, suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of God.