tip for flukes

Started by HookedUp, March 01, 2014, 06:31:55 AM

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so a fluke is a bait that you can use many ways well i heard about a tip to add some weight to it to make it fall straight down.anyways if you cut a metal clotheshanger into small pieces you can run it into the fluke most toward the back will make it fall tail down the head more facedown or the middle will even it out hope this helps


Thanks for sharing he tip. sounds like a decent alternative to nail weights in a pinch


yeah ive heard of the nail before i know some people that dont like to use them i guess cause the lead or what not


the only thing I would watch is rust factor after using the cut wire for awhile but great tip


You can also add a split shot on the bend of the hook


They sell weighted hooks now where the fluke just "screws" in to a metal spring/spiral off the hook eye, then on the hook bend there is a weight that on some models can be moved throughout the bend of the hook, so you can put more weight up front to have it dive, or have it centered so you can swim it normally.