BPS spring classic

Started by b1jeremy, March 06, 2006, 01:57:50 PM

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for those who have not made it there yet they have quiet a few good deals...the rick clunn split rings that are supposed to release the hook when snagged are only 1.59 compared to 2.49...all BPS worm weights are on sale for cheap...thats the actual lead/grey ones...the 25 packs are only 1.33 compared to 1.99...anyway i ran outa money so ill be back with a vengence this weekend...lol...Jeremy


Yea, they knocked me for $600 this weekend. lo


cmon now...how much would it have been any other time lol...i feel your pain...i collect those points like they are free and given to me lol..i am so proud when they get up enough to spend lol...Jeremy


I saved pretty good on some reels. I picked up a BPS Johnny Morris and a BPS Rick Clunn. Both were on sale, plus I traded in 2 junk reels and got an extra $20 off both. Kinda makes me mad because I bought a BPS "extreme" and a BPS "Prolite" about 2 weeks ago. Could have saved another $50 on those if I would have waited. The rest of it was a spinning combo, takle box, and lots of baits. I've got a complete rig now, so I'm happy and ready to hit up some tournaments. I'm now debating the whole boat thing. :-\


hey man you considered the ABA? our tourny is this weekend on sunday on the river...you can learn way more i feel as a non boater than out by yourself...get to see alot of styles and tricks...pm me if you need the details...Jeremy


I work on the weekends, so I usaully have to give a fair times notice if I'm gunna be taking off. I fish with a buddy right now, and I'm getting the feel of how to do things. I'm sure over time he would like for me to get a boat so we don't have to use his every time, that's why I was debating. However it is nice to be able to just fish for now, instead of having to focus on trolling and so forth. I'm sure I'll get one eventually, my biggest concern right now is somewhere to put it. Right now I guess I'm just waiting for that "good deal". I've got a guy at work trying to sell me his 96' Nitro, so I may look into that.


I have a 04 nitro that i'll sell ya...$15.000


While I'd love to have a boat like that, I'm looking at 96' Nitro that I can get my hands on for $4500. That's a little more my price range till I get some bills paid down, mainly my Camaro SS, my other hobby. ;D Once it's paid, that's a extra $700 a month in my pocket.  >:D