Back story on my visit with Mr Wood

Started by Craig314, October 03, 2013, 04:31:36 PM

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  Rick aka Bigwrench and I were trading emails on how to get more people to come visit the Ranger boards, we saw how good the Basscat board was doing and being Ranger proud we wanted more people to come visit us. Bigwrench came up with this awesome idea of way back Wednesday. So I sent him a few I came up with. Living on Norfork Lake here in Ar, there is a Striper Club and Walleye club. I used to travel a lot and  always loved the emails that they send out how everyone was doing, plus they did help stock both lakes so was worth it just for that.
  Well i got a email that Forrest L. Wood was going to be a guest speaker at the Walleye club in Mountain Home, Ar. and I wanted to hear him speak. After he got done he was standing to the side and I thought you can either leave or walk up and introduce yourself. I choose the later, I told him about UB and the Ranger board and the WBW trivia contest and asked for some idea's.
  I expected a few idea's but he said why don't you come to the museum and I will walk with you and show you everything and might give you some idea's.  He then hauls out his card and writes his personal cell number on it and says call me to set it up. Wow was I walkin on clouds, who does that? and No i will not post that number, LOL, so don't ask!
  I emailed Bigwrench and asked for idea's and questions, wrote them down and Mike Cork said get a recorder, glad I did cause i couldn't write that fast. No i didn't call his cell number, I called his personal secretary and set it all up. I spent a hour and half with the God father of the bass boat and I can't put it all in one post so i am going to break it up and you will have to just visit here to read them. Thanks Rick and Mike for all your help. More to follow and pictures too!
A bad day fishin beats a good day workin!!!! or as my daddy says when all else fails use dynamite!

Lee Smith

Now that is Awesome!  One of the reasons we have such a good sport!  Look at our roots  ~c~  ~c~

Thanks Craig, can't wait to read about the trip.
Builder of Custom Personal Bassin' Rods

Mike Cork

That is sooo Cool.

Not many sports can say that the founders are still alive to ask WHY this or that? They are getting up there in age and they love to talk. Forrest Wood, Ray Scott, Earl Benz, they all helped shaped the sport and the equipment we use.

I've got stories from Ray Scott about how the tournaments evolved, how the equipment evolved and how Forrest Wood was a major part.

Can't wait to read some of your stories now.

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Man that is OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!!!! ~c~ Your story just goes to prove that everything we have heard read and seen overs the years are all true about his devotion to the sport!! Can not wait for your post!!!


Really an amazing thing ! Thank you so much for doing this for everyone !  I am really looking forward to the posts !  I bet there's some awesome WBW trivia questions to ask now ! Who would  know Ranger trivia better than Forrest Wood ?  Schlich  is talking about a trip down to visit now !!  I'm all for it lol ! Can't wait to read about the rest  brother !
Stop by the Garage and let me know if you have Maintenance issues that you need assistance with.


 Can't wait to read about it! I don't own a Ranger but I do have a lot of respect for the name and what they have done for the sport.


Weigh-ins just aren't the same w/o Ray Scott up there.

I've had the pleasure of meeting mr & mrs wood and feel very lucky to have done so.
Fishin' Alabama
Building Rods, & Snatchin' Lips.