Make your own soft bait keepers out of paper clips of aluminum wire.

Started by willcfish, June 24, 2012, 09:02:08 PM

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Hello willcfish, and welcome to Ultimate Bass! I hope you are enjoying the site.

I'm not one to fuss too much but... Videos don't add content that the users can actually rely on here. They may not be available the next time someone tries to research this topic in say a month or a year so a little text explanation to go with your YouTube link would be great.

I don't mind videos, in fact if they are good and you are looking for exposure I am always looking for videos to run on the main page of Ultimate Bass but... In the forum, links alone don't fly and when 6 out of your 7 first post are YouTube links With little to no explanation it sets off a red flag for the staff to alert us to say hello ;)



great video, I was just wondering how to make those the other daqy since they don't carry them anywhere near me. thanks

The early bird may indeed get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese