Tuttle Creek Res. Bass Fishing Reports

Started by MotherNature, June 27, 2004, 11:33:22 PM

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I haven't fished it recently myself but I friend of mine says the crappie bite is hot in the coves.  He said his father had a 100+ fish day fishing in the coves only about 1 ft. down.  No idea on what he was using.
systemsresearchinc.com                                    Kansas St. Univ. Fishing Team


Haven't fished it recently either. In fact 1969 was the last time I fished Turrle Creek.
I did like it then, caught some good fish and had some good times.  The the
Army decided to send me elsewhere and I have not been back since.


lol, well i don't think your missing too much.  Tuttle is good for crappie and catfish now but thats it.  It's turned into a very muddy lake.  20 miles west, Milford has some great fishing for Laremouth bass, smallmouth bass, walleye, and wiper (hybrid).
systemsresearchinc.com                                    Kansas St. Univ. Fishing Team


Thats a shame, really liked that Tuttle  Did not go to Milford.  But the best fishing in the area then was cattle ponds on ranches.  I swear some on them had never been fished before a buddy an I started fishing them.


Are the cattle ponds your talking about private ones that you have to get permission to fish or are they public?
systemsresearchinc.com                                    Kansas St. Univ. Fishing Team


A guy I became friends with there family had a large ranch northeast of Manhattan. First went out to the ranch with him to shoot coyotes and saw all the ponds.  Asked if I could fish them and he said sure he did not think anyone else did.  They were full of three to four pound bass. Also got a couple of deer off the ranch.


wow, sounds nice.  The few plces to bass fish around Manhattan such as Rocky Ford and Pottawatamie #2 get fished really heavy now.  I've gotten to where I have to go out to Milford for good fishing.
systemsresearchinc.com                                    Kansas St. Univ. Fishing Team


I talked to a local bait store worker today and he said the crappie action is in full swing right now.  Me and a friend took a break from finals week and went out and caught a few crappie.  We were fishing live minnows 2 ft. under a small float.  We were getting tons of pecks and nibbles but only a few took the whole bait.  Great size to the ones we caught.  Fish were located around 5 ft. flooded timber.
systemsresearchinc.com                                    Kansas St. Univ. Fishing Team


A friend of mine said he's been catching some nice bass at Rocky Ford right now which is maybe a mile or so below the outlet of Tuttle dam.  When the current isn't going over the wingdam he used  T-righged worms and when there was current he used a spinnerbait.
systemsresearchinc.com                                    Kansas St. Univ. Fishing Team


Largemouth?  I tried to fish it one time but not really what I was looking for.  There were a ton of people there though.  Good work on the fish.   ;PHO)


Yep, all largemouth.  I have caught a few there when the was no current.  The water was really low and exposed all the riprap below the dam.  I caught most of mine on cranks/spinners.  I haven't had much luck when the current is running.
systemsresearchinc.com                                    Kansas St. Univ. Fishing Team


Fished the seep stream below the dam at Tuttle Creek today a little over 30 minutes and actually caught one on the fly rod.  I was using a pink (thats right pink) worm and actually caught a trout.  It was just under 12" long and would have stayed out longer if it wasnt so dang cold.  Heres the pic from the cutting board.  No laughing either.  :roll2: ~shade


Buddy and I went back out to the stream yesterday afternoon and I caught 4 and he caught 3.  The first fish I caught was 17 1/2" long.  Couldnt believe I caught that big of a trout out of that crappy little place.  Sorry these arent bass but its just to cold right now to be out on the boat. 


Not bad man.  Is Seep Stream really just that little creek flowing through the river pond area that it at max like 5 feet wide??  What liscenses do you have to have to fish there?
systemsresearchinc.com                                    Kansas St. Univ. Fishing Team


I tried fishing for some bass out at Tuttle the other day.  Only managed 1 fish that went about 14" on a blue fleck worm.  I haven't really made up my mind if its a good bass lake or not, but they do exist out there lo
systemsresearchinc.com                                    Kansas St. Univ. Fishing Team


Well I'm impressed that you guys at least caught one.  I would say that they are out there but I wouldnt have any idea of where to go.  Does the stuff look fishy out there or more like the dead sea?   :roll2:


The place that I caught the fish sure didn't look fishy.  It was just a shallow rock bank with hardly any contour.  After running up north we fished a great looking cove that had fairly steep rock banks and timber throughout the cove, but no fish >:(  It was pretty muddy water though.  Lastly we fish the State Park cove and besides bockdocks it didn't have too much to throw at.  Its still way down on my list of lakes to fish, I think I'll stick with Pott 2 if I'm wanting to fish a close lake.
systemsresearchinc.com                                    Kansas St. Univ. Fishing Team