UB Fishing Log

Started by MotherNature, November 14, 2006, 10:07:45 PM

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Well, I think we've always had the fishing log FFF, but it got lost in some of themoving which occurs around here.  Laurie was nice enough last night to find a couple of things that were er,  misplaced?  Maybe not misplaced, maybe more like, only Laurie knew where they were.


Mike Cork

Just curious as to how many folks have downloaded the Fishing Log and print it out for use?

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service



I did and love it......I filll one out as soon as I get back from fishing....keep mine in a binder ....
Laurie every move you have made as been great..even the new members to the bottom of the page I love it and it works better......but you are going to get me  >:(  if you move the UB fishing log unless you have a good reason  lo  I am just kidding Laurie.....Mike do something take her out to eat and a movie buy her something whatever is necessary  :roll2:        to stop Laurie from moving the fishing log



I did as well. I also use FOL 2002 and a BASS Fishing Journal  ;)


I just did too Mike and I think when our season starts back up next year I'll use it to make a better lake report for the site!  :-*  I may not use the whole thing but it should help me out!  ~c~

Thanks Laurie for posting it!

Now I got one for you all to copy Ultimate Bass Business Cards, great to hand out to any one wanting to check out the site.

Now all I need is a link to the Ultimate Bass Flyer so I can hand it out!  ;)


Never knew it existed, but now that I do, I'll use it for sure.
'Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting the different results' Albert Einstein.


what is the UB fishing log and how do i get it? :help:



If you go to the first post in the thread, click on the log.  It will show you the log itself, and you can print it out and take it to the lake with you.  Then, you'll have all the info of your day recorded which could help you pattern fish easier.



The more I look around UB the more interesting stuff I find....this is a good idea.


Well lookie what I found - great add as others have said!!  ~c~
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small.
Rascal Flatts


  I have kept records of all my fishing trips for the last 15 years. Looks like this has a place for  all the information I keep and will save me a lot of writing. Thanks

I don't mind not knowing all the answers, but I keep forgeting the danged questions.