Blazer210pro, what kind of numbers are you getting?

Started by Mike Cork, January 08, 2007, 11:17:51 PM

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Mike Cork

So what kind of numbers are you getting out of that rig, she sure looks pretty sitting there but will she RUN?  ;)

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Well of course she will run... I just need a prop to get some more bow lift so i can get the girl back on the pad a little more... ha ha.  Still being in break in mode, i really haven't been able to hammer down on her yet. I'm seeing 73 MPH GPS right now at 5600... I'm sure once the motor stops double oiling i'll be able to start playing a little more.  You can ask DOC, that thing will slap  :ass fly !! I believe my boat is alot lighter than yours also.  The boat alone only weighs 1450 pounds and the motor is another 540 lbs... My Triton being 18'6 feet was 1460 pounds so you can imagine how light this baby is.  I can't wait to see what she's gonna do when i open her up and trim her ears back..  I think i'm gonna get a 26 TXP....  it has alot more cup and i think i can get the front end lifted up and out of the water a lot more.   

Mike Cork

The LEGEND weighs in at 1640 LBS  ;) I'm not sure of the motor weight. So you basically are weighing in at one less person that me ;)

73 at 5600 sounds pretty good to me what is the hammer's RPM range?

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Aaron, that motor will not stop double oiling unless your service technician adjusts the oil pump drive pushrod at your 10hr checkup.  The oiling is controlled by a mechanical linkage, not an electric variable pump like the Evinrudes and some Mercs.  Many service techs do not adjust the linkage down enough during the service and it always runs rich.  ~shade

You want that thing propped to turn very close to 6000 with a light load, 5800 loaded to fish.  Rev limit is a soft limiter at 6150 and a hard limiter at 6400. ~shade

Mike, your motor is a tad lighter than that.  Ours are very close in weight and the 225HO is about 520lbs.

What prop are you running now, I forgot.... '-{

Mike Cork

AB if you were talking to me I am still running the same one, tried playing with several but my shaft was too big ~shade I'm always having that problem  :roll2:

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


No, I was talkin to Aaron... lo  Who wants to talk to you? lo lo  Not even going to comment on the rest of your little fantasy there... lo

I know Aaron has told me what he was running, I just don't remember.  Everyone's props seem to run together after a while. ~shade

Mike Cork

I want to say he was running a 27 tempest  :-\ can you hub them for a hammer? Seems I remember telling him that I run the same prop :-\

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Yamaha and Merc small shaft can run the same hub with different thrust washers....Evinrude is a different hub all together.  You can drill a Merc/Yamaha hub out to fit an Evinrude if you know what you are doing.  I ran all Merc props and hardware on my Yamaha with different thrust washers for each prop.  Best prop I ever ran on it was a Merc 26 Chopper.  That 24 cleaver was sweet, but too many rpms (7500+) for a lake prop.


Hey AB, i was told by the dealer that the motor would stop double oiling on its own at 10 hours ... Is this not true ??  I'm running a 25 Tempest plus right now, but i was running a 27 and i couldn't get around 5300 out of it with the 27.  Someone told me to get the TXP for the extra bow lift that the blazers need.  ??????????  not sure how true this is.  It always feels like i'm not getting enough of the boat out of the water. 


Unless they have changed something I don't know about, the computer does not control it.  It is controlled via mechanical linkage from the throttle body.  That is why Yamaha is now telling the service techs to add oil to the fuel when they break in a replacement powerhead.  It helps keep the cylinder walls lubed. 

A Tempist that is worked will be your ticket.  A friend of mine (he is a member here but I haven't seen him on in a long time) had a 210/250OX66 Yamaha.  The best prop he found was an A45 Tempist that he had worked by Mark Croxton.  I don't remember what pitch, but with that 250 he would run low 80's.  Blazers need all the bow lift they can get, and the only way to do that is get a prop that will turn close to the recomended rpms and and send it to be worked. 


They told me that the computer controls it all...   Dang who do i trust ???   Everyone is recommending the TXP worked by mark also....  Too many opinions and i dont know which ones to take... HA HA...  Guess i'll have to do some checking into both of those issues.



If I thought you could turn it I'd send you my 28 TXP. :(


Blazer, I think I know the guy AB is talking about, if it is him that A45 was a 27 and I ran it and had my fastest time so far. But being they are hard to find and tend to sling blades easy,I am now running a 27Tro4 and had mark work it for me. This prop in my opinion is the best Tx prop I have found. It has good holeshot and the best midrange of any prop I have had.I have GPS'd it at 77.8 with a full Tx load and both tanks ready to fish a Tx. I would suggest you get ahold of one and try it,you will love it.


Don, it's the same guy.... ~shade  Heck of a good guy, haven't heard from him in a long time though. :(


Thank you guys for the info.  What is the difference in the A45 Tempest and the tempest i have now ??  What makes the A45 so much better ??  You can't take the tempest i have now and do the same things to it, that you have naturally in the A45


Quote from: AB on January 15, 2007, 09:09:17 PM
Don, it's the same guy.... ~shade  Heck of a good guy, haven't heard from him in a long time though. :(

I haven't heard from him in a long time Grant. I don't even know where he is now.

The A45 they stopped making because of the thinness of the blades,they weren't strong enough to really handle that much weight. You can find them on race boats sometimes. The new tempest props are allot thicker on the leading edges then the A40 and A45's were, giving you more strength and longevity.Now if you can find a person willing to even try to copy the A45 good luck. These props can be found but they probably won't be worth the time and the money unless you plan on racing your boat. I would give the Tro4 a try just to see if you like it. I found that you can run them higher then the Trophy and achieve greater Bow and stern lift.


What exactly is the TRO4 and who is it made by ??  Are they pretty easy to find and is it gonna have to go to Croxton for some work ?  I heard he is one of the best around.  When you are talking about the A45 and heavy boats, what is everyone considering heavy ?  over 2000 lbs ?  Is the TRO4 a three blade or four blade prop ?  I really appreciate all of your help.  I just want the best setup that i can possibly get and i know you all know what i'm wanting out of the boat.  I dont know why the dealer is telling me, that Blazers dont like to run bow high but everyone else i'm talking to, says it almost mandatory if you want them to perform the way they should. 


The Tro4 is a 4 blade that  is made by anything that weighs more then 1400 in my opinion is to much stress for the A45. The dealer is right but on the 202 they run just like a bullet and don't need the bow up.


Wow Don, Didn't know that Mark worked your TRO4!
I might just know somebody with a 27 TRO4 for sale! ;)


Quote from: Blazer210ProV on January 16, 2007, 01:57:10 PM
What exactly is the TRO4 and who is it made by ??  Are they pretty easy to find and is it gonna have to go to Croxton for some work ?  I heard he is one of the best around.  When you are talking about the A45 and heavy boats, what is everyone considering heavy ?  over 2000 lbs ?  Is the TRO4 a three blade or four blade prop ?  I really appreciate all of your help.  I just want the best setup that i can possibly get and i know you all know what i'm wanting out of the boat.  I dont know why the dealer is telling me, that Blazers dont like to run bow high but everyone else i'm talking to, says it almost mandatory if you want them to perform the way they should. 

Made here in Shreveport. Over at Mansfield Rd and Kingston.

Mike Cork

Just FYI Sanderson Marine the board mod for Prop Shop works props as well  :-* He's going to take a look at the 27 tempest I am running now, says he can make some major improvements to the stock version  ;) You might want to give him a shot at your 25  :-*

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Quote from: TeamFATBOY on January 16, 2007, 04:48:02 PM
Wow Don, Didn't know that Mark worked your TRO4!
I might just know somebody with a 27 TRO4 for sale! ;)

HMMMMM wonder how much he is asking? 8)

blazer taz

hey i am running a 27 yam pro series on a 225 hpdi.on a 202 blazer. right now with the heat i can only turn it 56 to 5700 rpm. Top speed is 74 tourney load. When it cools down it turn 5900 with a top speed of 78.5.