How has everyone been doing ?

Started by Blazer210ProV, April 14, 2007, 06:40:11 PM

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Just wanted to stop in and see if anyone has any great fishing stories to share with us.  I have recently gotten some very exciting news from a few of our incredible sponsors of the board.  I have been invited to join the Gotstafish Tackle Co. Prostaff and would like to thank Karl for all the confidence he has in me, to get out and give him some great exposure in our part of the country.  Also, i got news last night that i was offered to become a member of the Parasite Weights and Clips Prostaff as well.  I would also like to thank Chuck in believing in me also.  I dont know what happens from here, but i guess i need to get out and get back to catching some fish.  I have 3 tournaments coming up over the next couple weeks, so i'm not gonna be around too much.  I have a Southeast Texas Oilman's Tourney at the end of April, then i have my Twin Cities Team Tourney on Grand Bayou on the 6th of May, then i have an American Petroleum Institute Tourney the weekend after mother's day, and then a couple more in June, so everyone please keep me in your prayers to find safety and LOTS OF BIG FISH on the the water !  :roll2: :roll2:   ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~  I would also like to invite you to go to our sponsors websites to see what kind of incredible products they bring to us.  I have had incredible customer service from Gotstafish Tackle company and their products are incredible, I really love the newfound parasite weights and clips, and i have even gotten pretty good at dipping them and painting them, and have made several orders from Delo's and their service and prices are incredible as well. Stop by and help them out, you wont be sorry that you did and you will get some great products in return.


Well congrats Aaron!! ~c~ I'm sure you will do a fine job for both of your new sponsors!!


Thanks alot Fella and i appreciate your kind words and i hope i do them a great job.


 ~c~ ~c~ Good luck in those tx! Where exactly will you be fishing and what technic and what color gotstafish lure will you be using?
Just kidding wildman... ~roflmao I know I know what a smart  :ass
  Proud Father of an American Soldier 
Proud Grandfather of 6!


Well actually the big fish in my avatar that was caught on Toledo came off of a Black Cherry Swimblade and that fish crushed it, so i imagine i cant go wrong with that color at all, because it has already proven itself.  As far as where i will be fishing, it's a  ~shhh  secret.  I'm hoping where i caught all those fish a couple weeks ago will already have spawned and started moving their way back out to the deeper water and i know just the path they are gonna follow when they do it.  I'll be down there checking several areas but i have a good clue where i will be hitting the water the most. As long as the wind doesn't blow me off my areas it should be great over the next couple weeks, depending on water levels.  Wish me luck !


Good Luck Aaron  ~c~ I'm back in the cold so I'll be living vicariously through you for the next week or so if you don't mind  :roll2:


LIVE AWAY BROTHER, i'll be sure to send plenty of pictures so you dont forget what they look like !   lo lo lo lo ;) ;) ;) ;)  You and Rudy need to bring your  :ass' back down here and spend a week or so with all of us.  You were just out of range being at Fork, but if you come here, we can put you on all kinds of bodies of water and have a great time.  Laughing and  ~beer~  what a combination !


Its in the plans for June but a lot can change by then. I'm hoping to get there for the rally.