My Boat Clean Up Project!

Started by TeamFATBOY, October 17, 2006, 11:53:38 PM

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Still have a few things I want to do but the major part is done and it's time to go fishing!


Nice job. Was it hard getting decals off??
Everyone talks about rock these days; the problem is they forget about the roll - Keith Richards


The boat looks great, but what exactly are you doing with it ??? 


Quote from: Blazer210ProV on October 18, 2006, 09:13:07 AM
The boat looks great, but what exactly are you doing with it ??? 
Doesn't the title and pictures kinda explain what exactly what I'm doing with the boat? :-\
The boat was filty, Now it's not! I painted the trailer, Fixed some things! ::)




How'd you pull it off?  Any suggestions for the owner of a nearly all white boat as well?

I think it looks awesome now, but how in the world did you ever get it so dirty?  You didn't go muddin' in it, do you?



First off guys I'm not affiliated with this company at all, They are a sponsor on another board I frequant so after hearing good things about their product I decided to give them a try!
The stuff I used on the outside hull is called NuHull, On the inside of the boat gel, seats, motor and wheels I used their "Champ" cleaner and on the carpet I used their Oxy Power! Very simple to use!
Here's a link to their site,


That boat looks a 1000 times better Steve. You put some work into her for sure.
'Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting the different results' Albert Einstein.


Proud Team Member of the Palmetto Posse


Looks great. Now it's time to polish and wax to keep that shine. 8)