Blazer210ProV has signed the papers !! Woo Hoo

Started by Blazer210ProV, September 25, 2006, 10:27:52 PM

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Well Gentlemen, i signed the papers today, have check in hand and will pick the new girl up Wednesday.  ~c~    I hope i like this boat as much as everyone said i will. Any ownership advice will be greatly appreciated.  Pictures will be on the way soon.  I'm gonna break her in right, next week.  I have a tournament on Sam Rayburn, and i'll see just what she'll do.  Any advice on breaking in the motor would be helpful !!  Thanks in advance.

Hope i'm welcome to the Blazer family with open arms and plenty of advice on the new boat will be helpful !!


not a boat owner...but i fish one all the partner has about a sweet ride...ride smooth on rough water just a good all around boat...only complaint from him is the "bucket" style seats...cant see as good coming on plane as hed like...he uses a personal floatation know the one you throw? anyway he loves it...hes going to get a new one before next yr in black/red congrats and hope ya enjoy


Thanks Jeremy.....  Why doesn't he just raise his seats up a little bit ?? I'm sure he could get something made out of aluminum that would raise the seat up where he could keep the same bolt patterns..!! Just an option he might want to look into..  thanks for the encouragement on the new ride.   I have some people tell me they are rough as  ^-^ in bad water and people like you saying they are great.... guess i'll just have to find out on my own... Thanks again, and i'll post the pics as soon as i get some... Might get a few tomorrow while they are finishing it up...

Mike Cork

Congratulations :toot: Looking forward to the pic's and seeing you on the water  ~c~ ~c~

When it comes to breaking in a new motor do exactly what the owners manual tells you  ;) Not sure what you are getting but my Pro XS had the first 4 hours pretty specifically laid out. I would put a couple hours on it before the tournament that way you can do the RPM's and time limits like you need to .

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Hey Mike, thanks for the information.  It has a Yamaha V-Max HPDI on it, and i have never owned a yamaha before.  All i have owned was a Johnson and Mercury's.  I dont ever remember a break in period on my mercury and it did fine for 6 years...  OOPS...!!  Dont guess i read the directions too well.  I hope it's not as cold natured as my mercury was, thats for sure. 

I'm gonna try and swing by there today to get some pictures, i'll post them if i do.

Creel Limit Zero

Very exciting, congrats on the new boat, and hope to see some  ;PHO) soon.   ~c~


a good buddy  of mine just got a new skeeter with the 300 hpdi yamaha the dealer told him it needed 10 hrs of breakin time  so for the last 2 weekends he went out with out fishing poles  so he would just ride and he still has 2 hrs left before the fun starts seeing what 300 hp will do.


10 HOURS OF WHAT ?? HA HA... WIDE OPEN THROTTLE ??? Nah, just kidding...  Ok, here are a few pictures that i took today.  The light wasn't the best, almost made it too shiny, but when i pick it up tomorrow, i'll get some better ones..


I see you got it at Smith's. Pretty good fellas in there. You did't buy it from Blaine did you? That's where we hold our club meetings so I know them pretty well. Congrats though, beautiful boat.


Yeah i filled Blaine's pockets with some commission for the month.   :)  As long as everyone's happy, that's all that matters. They added me to their pro team, so i get all the goodies that come along with sponsorship.  Shirts, hats, fast service, fast repairs, etc.... that's the best of it all.  FREEBIES !! 


LOL I guess you get the cool little stickers to huh. Enjoy man. The first big boat i own will be a Blazer no doubt.


Yeah, cool stickers and all.... All they have left to do is put my keelshield on and my cool stickers and strap her down.  I guess they are gonna have to have my custom cover and Cowling Cover shipped in, so i'll get those at a later date.  I'm so excited, i'm not sure i'll be able to sleep tonight.  Break in on the motor is gonna stink... i can see that already... 10 hours... EWWWWWWW... 

Mike Cork

That's a good looking rig :toot: congratulations  ~c~ good job on the wheeling and dealing sounds like you got a good one ;)

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Some more pictures of the new girl in her new home !!  Cant wait till my dual console, travel cover and Cowling Cover get in.  She will be to the hilt by then. ~c~   ~c~   ~c~

Mike Cork

Looking forward to you getting her broke in and seeing what kind of numbers you pull out of that Yamer Hammer

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Yeah me too Mike, they ended up hooking me up with a custom prop that Mel Jr. picked out himself, so i'm hoping it will be fine.  What Props are everyone else running ? Just curious, because i have a 25 pitch tempest plus i can try out also.  Any help will be great.  My break in instructions tell me to run a 50:1 oil mixture right in my gas... Did everyone else have to do this with theirs..  also, what grade gas does everyone run too ?? Sorry for all the questions, but i'm just wondering if anyone has any input..


Mike Cork

It's seems very unusual to me that you would at oil to the gas  :-\ these newer machines do that all automatically now. But I do not know about the Yamaha (you might make a post in the Outboard motor board) Did the disconnect your VRO pump (oil pump) or something?

As far as fuel the owners manual should tell you what you need. I know on my Pro XS is says to run 89 octane in it, so that's what I do. The big thing is using a quality oil that yamaha recommends :-*

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Hey mike, it actually says for the first 10 hours of break in, to add a mix of 50:1 oil to your gas, and i have never heard of that.  It says it in the owners manual.  Then after the 10 hours run straight 86 octcane...  I guess i just need to follow the instructions, and do what they say.  No they haven't disconnected the VRO pump.  I guess the extra oil is gonna help somewhere else.  So when is your new Legend gonna be here, or do you still have a little while left on the one you have ??  Have a great day and thanks again.

Creel Limit Zero

That is one fine looking rig, congrats.   8)  ~c~  10 hours of break in though, man that has to be rough.   :'(

Mike Cork

Quote from: Blazer210ProV on September 28, 2006, 08:01:03 AM
Hey mike, it actually says for the first 10 hours of break in, to add a mix of 50:1 oil to your gas, and i have never heard of that.  It says it in the owners manual.  Then after the 10 hours run straight 86 octcane...  I guess i just need to follow the instructions, and do what they say.  No they haven't disconnected the VRO pump.  I guess the extra oil is gonna help somewhere else.  So when is your new Legend gonna be here, or do you still have a little while left on the one you have ??  Have a great day and thanks again.

Still want to hang on to the one I got for a bit I absolutely love it.

All motors a couple years ago required you to add oil during break in, I know that the newer merc's have it in the programing to up the ratio ;)

You can't go wrong by doing what the book wants ;)

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Dam!!!>. That's a sweet lookin' Blazer ya got there Aaron!!!!! ;)
Proud Team Member of the Palmetto Posse


Thank you Gentlemen !!  It's gonna look even better when i get that Dual Console put in there.  You cant imagine what it's like to have to look at it sitting in the carport and not being able to put it in the water yet..   ~xyz TALKING ABOUT TEMPTATION... GEEZ  I'll get my fill of it next week though.  Going to Sam Rayburn on Tuesday and wont be done fishing till Saturday... WOO HOO  BRING IT ON !... I'm ready...  I would love to win that tournament out of brand new boat... We were on the fish at our last tournament down there, so hopefully they wont be too far. 


Well guys, i have officially started the break in process.  I believe the Jack Plate is too high right now, but i'll have to make a few more trips and feel it out a little more.  I got it up to 5200 rpms today and by GPS was running 70, so who know's what she's gonna do when i get it up to 5600 to 5800....   I feel like i'm not getting enough boat out of the water and i'm throwing a ROOSTER TAIL from  ^-^ right now.  It had to be 20 to 30 feet behind the boat.. LOL   I believe i'm gonna have to drop it down a little bit and see what it does then.  I was just north of white house and there was a guy fishing on the west side of the river and he turned around and glanced, and took a double take when he saw that rooster tail... HA HA HA.... I was dying... He was probably saying to himself, " WHAT AN IDIOT".. LOL...  Oh well... i'll get her right before long.  I'm wondering if i'm gonna be able to get enough RPMS out of the prop i have on there right now... We'll see...!! Have a great weekend !!



I had a 27 on there and we just switched it to a 25 tempest plus.... i'll see what she'll do now... OFF TO RAYBURN..  Wish me luck !