19?? 18 Ft Cajun Bass Fishing Boat

Started by AJ, July 10, 2006, 10:48:59 PM

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i recently came across a 18 ft cajun with florida tags that hasnt been registered since 1997, seems to be in good shape, need to know what need to do in order to get title transfered from fl to tx.  also most wire been redone except for the relay switches in the battery box behind the driver seat.  am pretty new to the boating world and would appreciate any and all info that i might be able to find on this boat..  i believe it is a late 70 early 80 model. the last 2 digits on the ser num are 79 it that means anything. would also like to find a wiring diagram... am not going to do much to this boat untill i get a title and am working on that now if anyone has any suggestions




Hey, ho_shi, welcome! getting you're title transfered isn't a problem, when you go get tags for the boat you can do it at the tag agent. I'll try to find a wiring diagram for ya, I believe nlareau posted one a few days ago. as far as the year goes, is there a USCG tag inside the boat, if so the tag should have the year model on it. Cajun went out of production a few years ago, and information on them is pretty scarce, but I'll look and see what I can dig up for you. oh, by the way, congrats, I'm sure you'll like you're cajun, They are great boats, I have a 170 with a 90 hp johnson and I love it.


is not getting it transfered that would be a problem it is filing for lost title and finding origional owner that sucks.    it is a 79 model i believe in decent shape just needs a little wiring work on the relay system to raise and lower motor ( am new at boats so let me know any technology i miss)



I don't know about Texas law, but here in Oklahoma, you have to get the title from the state it's titled in in order to get it transfered. Have you got a bill of sale for the boat? That may suffice. If I'm not mistaken, the 79 cajun has a tri hull and the ride is pretty bumpy, but it's a stable boat that won't list much when you stand on one side. I'd have the tilt and trim checked out by a mechanic just to be on the safe side. It may be more expensive, but it would be easier than replacing the relays and then having to replace the trim unit because the relay wasn't the problem. As far as new electronics and such what do ya need to know? Shoot me a PM and I'll try to help any way I can. Also can you post some pics of the boat so I can have a better Idea of what it may need (not mechanically, just for electronics, hardware, etc.)


someone went in and redid all the wiring but someone else had tore out the relay system.  i have no bill of sale or nothing it was a gift from a friend that said if i could get a title and get it fixed to put it in my name and remember him when he came to town to go fishing.  i am not going to do any work untill i can get something with the title.  i have no idea how many times it has been sold or given to someone before me.   the age is no prob it looks to be in decent shape.  floor is wee bit weak in places no biggie to fix tho

pics posting asap


ps motor supposed to be in workin order.  am new to the boat  thing so i know nothin bout the motors  asked what oct unlead to put in and was told had to have 4 stroke oil  ???


i would get the numbers off the boat and go down to the place you get plates and titles and give them the numbers and they can tell you who owns the boat
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87 octane unleaded is fine for the boat, but find out the mix ratio of 2 cycle oil to use, and only use a good quality oil, cheaper 2 cycle oil can cause problems if used too much. The evinrude 140 is a good motor, but I would have it checked out thoroughly before you put too much money in it. if it has a bad motor, I don't know if it would be worth replacing. I believe the mix for evinrude motors is 40:1. good luck with it, I know cajuns are a great brand and the resale value of 'em are pretty good. also any issues you have with fixing the floor or anything else, just ask, the people here can answer almost any question you'd have.


hopefully these will help if you need any more let me know and will take and post tom nite



i have heard great things about cajuns but why did they go out of business and why is info so hard to find??? have called everyone in town and get limited answeres

AJ ~tumble goin dry waiting on water


I haven't been able to find out why they went out of business, and I have been looking for 4 or 5 months. the cajuns had plywood decks and stringers, and they continued to use wood in their construction until the end. I think that when the all composite boat craze hit, it may have done them in. I will look for the parent company tomorrow and try to find out what I can. Oh, before I forget, you NEED to change the lower unit oil and the foot oil, and check out you're annodes on the motor. with the boat being from florida, it probably been in salt water and probably will have some corrosion on the annodes. salt water is murder on outboards, especially if the previous owner didn't flush the motor regularly.


hmmmmmm all that is greek to me lol


Okay you're annodes are made of zinc usually and protects your motor from corrosion, They are usually located on you're lower unit and are usually square. They look like unfinished lead. you're lower unit oil lubricates the shaft and gears, and if it gets contaminated it can ruin you're lower unit in a hurry. You can buy an oil change kit from wally world cheap that comes with instructions. the flush tool can also be bought from wally world and it flushes the water that has been sitting in you're motor out. Trust me, by the time you're through with this thing you'll know so much about you're boat it wont be a problem to do anything to it.

Bad News

I have a 1979 Cajun with a 115 hp Evinrude. The boat has been a good one. I have had it about 15 years and can say that the only problem I have had was the water pump, which was not a problem to change. I bought a 1995 Champion with 200 hp Yamaha but I still use the Cajun to troll for sandbass and hybrids. Someone said that the tri-hull might be a little bumpy, he is right but it is a solid boat. Yours looks to be newer than mine, not sure, mine has a double console. I probably sell it before long. Can't afford to keep 2 boats up.


been busy enough around here hadnt had time to mess with it still on back of mind to get it goin.



cajun boats were made in winnsboro Louisiana. they closed the doors around 1991 or 1992. they also made a upgrade called the ragun cajun. hope this helps.


honestly lately have not had the time to mess with it so i put it on the curb witha for sale make offer sign on it  would like to work on it but no  time


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actually i just sold the whole boat last weekend