Keep your pre rigged tube jig heads from rusting

Started by paxpress, June 04, 2006, 08:44:42 PM

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For those who use a lot of tubes with an insert tube jig heads, this tip is for you.

Pre rig your tubes with jig heads and freeze them until ready to use.  The metal in the hook will not freeze if frozen.

If you use a fish attractant then you really want to freeze them.  Put your attractant into the tube, then put your tube jig head into the tube and freeze.  This will keep the attractant good for up to a year, won't rust your hook and has your tubes ready when you need them.


Good tip here.

What I use on them and all my hooks to keep them from rusting; ScentTec "Speedy Reel". This oil lube is SCENTED for fish and has many uses other than adding to hooks.

It works great adding to your reel parts (bearings, gears, handle) cleaning out rod guides (make them cast smoother) and adding to spinner bait swivels, jigs, weights (gives them a slick coating) comes threw moss and weeds much better!

These are just a few of the uses. They also have oil protectant for you hunters out there.
