Avatar Size Limits

Started by Mike Cork, December 26, 2004, 10:42:25 AM

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Mike Cork

What are the size limitations for an Avatar? I can't seem to find that information, yet. I seen in the help section at the top of the screen, some information about an Avatar but nothing on the size.

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Mike the max size of an avatar is 85 pixels wide. I have noticed that some folks are linking to their remote pictures and those pictures are being re-sized by our program for use here on the forum. This is a great way to be able to change pictures often and I love to see the new pictures but at the same time that picture has to be downloaded by each computer at full size and re-sized which for a dial up connection it can take a while.

I have re-sized some of the pictures in the past that were too large and took a long time to download and would be happy to re-size them for anyone that needed it taken care of.




  • Must be setup in your Profile (link up top, next to logout) , and not manually added to your messages.
  • May NOT contain any sponsor images.
  • May not contain any pricing, sales, product etc. details.
  • May contain a maximum of two smilies. Or one animated smiley.
  • May include four clickable links. URL's or mailto:
    Only exact URL's allowed ie not < a href="www.domain.com">LOOK HERE; an acceptable example would be < a href="http://www.ultimatebass.com/index.php>Ultimate Bass
  • May include only the default colors. Hyperlink color is set by the forum and is not counted as a color.
  • Maximum font size cannot be larger than normal.
  • Must be kept to a maximum of four lines (at 1024 resolution).
  • A max size standard limit of one hundred (100) pixels in height and 450 pixxels wide.
  • Must be below 20Kb in file size.
  • Please center all siggys so that the look of the site is uniform
  • May not contain links to other threads or posts.
  • Your signature is your signature. It is not for sale or rent.
  • Any signature that is offensive or insulting to us, our members, or our staff, are prohibited.
  • We reserve the right to ask you to change and/or remove your signature at any time, for any reason, if you are in violation of these rules your siggy may be removed without notice.


  • All avatars must be no larger than 20Kb
