Stratos 285 pro XL

Started by Bass Chasing, December 14, 2024, 08:29:49 PM

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Bass Chasing

 New on here, have a 2006 285pro XL and wondering if anyone has the manual page or can diagram what all the switches on the cockpit do and how the live wells work. I also can't get the front trolling motor to work either. Ideas? I just got the boat from a friend that never used it and he's not with us anymore. Any help would be appreciated, all the labels are long gone. TY

Donald Garner

Welcome to the UltimateBass Family we're glad you're here. 

When you get the chance take some pictures of your Stratos and post them in the UltimateBass Stratos Board.

Can you take a picture of your console?

Take a picture of the Livewell Control knob also.

I have a 2004 Stratos 285 Pro XL.  Yours and might be close in likenesses.

What's the trolling motor not doing?  What type of trolling motor do you have?
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Quote from: Bass Chasing on December 14, 2024, 08:29:49 PMNew on here, have a 2006 285pro XL and wondering if anyone has the manual page or can diagram what all the switches on the cockpit do and how the live wells work. I also can't get the front trolling motor to work either. Ideas? I just got the boat from a friend that never used it and he's not with us anymore. Any help would be appreciated, all the labels are long gone. TY
Welcome to UltimateBass!

I have some wiring schematics I'll post or send you. The wiring colors and functions stayed pretty much the same through the years. Livewells changed a little, some had pump-outs, but most had the open/close while some had recirculate. Mine's a '93. He'll see this post and chime in I'm sure. Maybe Don can post pics of he switch labels.

Is the trolling motor 12v or 24v? How many batteries are connected to it? You should have a 12v battery for cranking, pumps, and electronics. Then you should have either one or two 12v batteries for the trolling motor. If you have a 24v trolling motor, you should have two 12v batteries connected in series. There should be a 50 or 60 amp circuit breaker near the batteries as well. 
Stratos 285 XL Pro 150 Evinrude ETEC

Dobyns Rods - LSCR Club

Donald Garner

I'll get some photos of my console and live well control and post them.

On your trolling motor>  Check and make sure the MASTER POWER SWITCH is turned on.  This switch is located on your console.  If the MASTER POWER SWITCH isn't turned on you won't have power to the Trolling Motor or Lights, and Electronics> This is only if your Electronics is wired into your console.

My Front depth finder is wired into my console but the drivers Electronics is wired directly to the cranking battery with an inline fuse.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Donald Garner

Here's a picture of my 2004 Stratos 285 PRO XL Dual Console.

Drivers Console

Drivers Console Instrument Panel (Left side of Steering Wheel)

Toggle Switches Left > Right = Master Power switch.  This has to be on so the Trolling Motor and all your gauges / Electronics work; Bilge Pumps; 2 livewell switches (there's 2 pumps in the livewells Right & Left)

Gauges > Left to Right = Small Gauge is the Outboard Engine Water Pump; Large Gauge = Speedometer; Gauge just above the toggle switches is the Fuel Gauge.

Drivers Console Instrument Panel (Right side of Steering Wheel)

Toggle Switches Left to Right = Light Switch for console and Running Lights Bow and Stern; Accessory Switch >I don't have any accessories on my boat<; Horn.  The last spot is a BLANK that you could install anther switch etc. 

Small Gauge This is your Alternator Charging Gauge for your batteries; This next gauge is your WARNING LIGHT AND BUZZER to let you know you have an issue with your OUTBOARD ENGINE; Last switch is the engine starting switch.

Gauges Left to Right = Large Gauge is the RPM Gauge; Small Gauge is the Out Board Engine Trim Gauge.

Livewell Console Switch

This is the Livewell Control switch.  There's 3 setting on this switch. 1.Empties both livewell boxes  when the switch is in this position.  2.RECIRC = Once the livewell fills this closes the line to keep water from coming into the livewell.  3. Auto = This keeps the line open so fresh water can continue to flow into the livewell.

* Some models have a PUMP OUT System.  Mine doesn't.

Trolling motor> 1. Check and make sure the Master Power Switch is on.  2.Check your batteries to ensure the Trolling motor Wires are properly clean and connected.  3.Check that 50/60amp breaker that under the back deck and next to the batteries. 

I hope this helps you out.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Bass Chasing

Hi Donald,

Your pictures and explanations were perfect. My cockpit looks just like yours and I'm hoping the switches are all in the same place also. Right now the boat is at a local marina for a once over before I start using it, so I couldn't get you a pic of my dash to compare. I will get back to you if my switches are different and ask for some more help. I sincerely appreciate your help and advice to me in figuring out my "new" to me Stratos. It's nice to know there's a forum to assist those in need. TY again and thanks to Princeton_Man too! Phil

Donald Garner


Your welcome.  If you have any question about anything else reference your Stratos just drop us a message here.  Jim (Princeton_Man) or myself will assist you in getting an answer.
Congrats on getting this boat.  I really enjoy mine and I know Jim does his too.

If the switches aren't marked you can just TURN THEM ON one at time and see what comes on.  Take white gum label or paint pen and remark the switches.  When you turn on the Master Switch some of your gauges will come on.  The livewell switch when it comes on you should be able to hear the pumps running.  Same thing with the bilge pump they'll start running when the power is on.

The Water Pump gauge won't come on till the engine is running and water is flowing through the engine.

The Trim Gauge should / will work without the Master Switch being on.  You can check it out by pushing the trim button on the shifter or going back to the engine and use that trim switch. It will be located on the LEFT SIDE of the engine.

The RPM gauge will work once the outboard is running.

NOTE: At the end of the day you got to make sure the Master Switch is TURNED OFF.  If not then your CRANKING BATTERY will be dead the next day or so.

Light Switch:  When you turn it on the Front Running Lights (Red & Green) should come on.  Also the Rear Stern Light should come on.  If the light isn't mounted it might be in one of Rod Locker Boxes or under the Back Deck.

I don't know where the Fuse Panel is on your Year and Model.  Mine is located underneath the Console and behind the panel next to the 'Kill Switch'

Kill Switch: This needs to be attached to the device mounted to the wall.  If the Kill Switch isn't mounted / Connected the ENGINE WILL NOT START.  It will crank over but won't start.  You'll just wear your battery down trying to start it.

Trolling Motor: I don't know what Model you have etc.  There is an ON / OFF switch on the foot pedal.  Make sure that is Turned on also.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard