Getting in SHAPE

Started by D.W. Verts, June 22, 2024, 09:48:27 AM

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D.W. Verts

It's a struggle for many of us for sure. Especially the older dudes like I'm quickly becoming. So I'll bring this to the point-

This is NOT a plea for subs on a YT channel. I could care less, and I can prove it. That being said I've lost 45 pounds or so the last few years and I'm trying to do it right, so I've re-dedicated my original YouTube channel to becoming a "Fitness" channel. I know, funny- right?

But my thinking is this- all these fitness gurus in these videos are ripped dudes who MAY have never really struggled. Like Richard Simmons telling me how to get in shape. Right? So I'm planning on doing things the way I've found to work, and MAYBE motivating, and more importantly (and selfishly) getting motivated myself. 'Cuz getting in shape and staying with the program is HARD.

So there you go. If there's any interest, I'll post the link. If not, well I'll carry on by myself. Again, I'm not doing this for YT fame and money. My bass fishing channel has been monetizable all year and I've yet to do anything with it. Money means NOTHING compared to being healthy.

So. Is anybody in? Peace.

Old School Bass Fishin' with D.W. Verts on YOUTUBE!
Solar Bat Sunglasses Pro Staff

Pat Dilling

I can certainly identify with you. I am 74 and recently worked to get my weight where I want it. Next, I  would like to get my "shape" and strength where I feel good and am confident doing activities.
I'd like to take a look at your fitness channel.
I knew I shoulda re-tied!!

D.W. Verts

Thanks Pat. Just gonna share in the struggles that so many of us have. Too bad I don't think many are going to be interested. I got made fun of here two years ago when I said I was learning some Yoga. Sigh.

Old School Bass Fishin' with D.W. Verts on YOUTUBE!
Solar Bat Sunglasses Pro Staff


For a little humor aspect, We're not "out of shape". Last I checked, round is a shape.

Tiller Mafia.

"I'm a simple man, with simple pleasures." -Trevor Belmont

Donald Garner

Dale good luck with this new adventure.  Losing weight and maintain the lost is a real struggle.  I've been on that roller coaster most of my life especially while I was in the Military.  When I got sick my weight shot up to 350lbs from 286lbs.  With the med's I'm taking now and somewhat watching what I eat I'm back down to 295lbs. 

Quote from: topdsm0138 on June 23, 2024, 08:33:08 AMFor a little humor aspect, We're not "out of shape". Last I checked, round is a shape.

Tiller Mafia.

Top you are so right 'Round is a shape'   lo  ;)
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

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Capt. BassinLou

Go for it Dale! I'm sure you will help motivate those in your community. Aging is inevitable, and if you can show others how to safely be a better physical, version of themselves, then good for you! Best of luck on your new adventure!

D.W. Verts

I'm in better "shape" (Pears are a "shape" too) at 60 than i was at 50. Fact. I just did a short, but cardio-intense bike ride in these Ozark hills where I live, in 88 degree temps with 89% humidity, and those three large hills I road? I'd had to of walked them a year ago. Improvement is good. So is sweat.

My PLAN (whatever) is to be in better shape than I was at FORTY by mid-summer. Now, it's all relative. When I was 40 I was still benching 300 pounds for reps. Probably not any more, not if I need my wrists for fishin'.

Anyway, thanks. But this fitness thing is bad juju for so many folks. We've all tried, and failed, so many times. That's why I'm selfishly looking for motivation and the YT thing seems to fit. We'll see.

A little bit of pain, lots of gain.

Old School Bass Fishin' with D.W. Verts on YOUTUBE!
Solar Bat Sunglasses Pro Staff


i can tell you that having lost 30 pounds that intermittent fasting works if you wanted to look into it.  Basically, you give your body a feeding window and its regimented that way.  Works for us formerly regimented folks :D 

i usually do it for 6-8 weeks, get off, eat a little more normal, then go do it again.  but truly you can eat pretty much whatever just not in excess.  it has many benefits according to a bunch of science people but jury out on that.  :D  anyway, i too have started riding my bike again.  Key is -- do something, anything versus sitting around, drink lots of water.  stay away from sugary fake stuff -- this is probably the thing that contributes most -- the fake sugar -- again jury out on that.  Truly i think doing something, anything, semi regularly is a good way.   


Quote from: caddyjoe77 on June 23, 2024, 11:18:56 PMi can tell you that having lost 30 pounds that intermittent fasting works if you wanted to look into it.  Basically, you give your body a feeding window and its regimented that way.  Works for us formerly regimented folks :D 

i usually do it for 6-8 weeks, get off, eat a little more normal, then go do it again.  but truly you can eat pretty much whatever just not in excess.  it has many benefits according to a bunch of science people but jury out on that.  :D  anyway, i too have started riding my bike again.  Key is -- do something, anything versus sitting around, drink lots of water.  stay away from sugary fake stuff -- this is probably the thing that contributes most -- the fake sugar -- again jury out on that.  Truly i think doing something, anything, semi regularly is a good way. 

Lot's a truth to his. I never really did it on purpose, it was just my lifestyle. I was active in many things, my job was more diversified, required site visits, and travel. I have two sons that helped keep me active, had friends who were active, road a motorcycle, hiked, fished, even served as a volunteer firefighter. A few slow months and I would put on a few pounds, but as soon as the pace picked up, I'd shed them fast.

Back then, during more active times, I'd often stop off for bacon, eggs, and toast at a little family restaurant on my way to work. Might take time to grab a sandwich for lunch, then supper depended on what time I got home. If it was late, I'd skip it, have a drink, relax a little, then go to bed. 

As many of us slow down, our cholesterol goes up, and that's one of the best reasons to stay active. Once mine was way too high and plugging up things, I let the doctor put me on Lipitor (statin), and it was a massive dose. Within a month or so I was aching everyday as though I'd just completed the Marine Corp obstacle course. I kept contributing the aches and pains to various activities, even got tested for Lyme disease. Finally, I read all the warnings about statins, but by that time a lot of the damage was already done, I'll never regain that muscle mass. :( I cut my dosage to 1/3 and proved that it was sufficient to control my cholesterol. I hope that once I retire my activity level will increase and I'll be able to get off the Lipitor altogether.

Another thing I work hard at is avoiding the chit being injected into our food from the grocery store. I don't have to tell you the FDA is a joke. Look the stuff up yourself. Additives to enhance the flavor? Additives to preserve freshness? High Fructose corn syrup! It's no wonder 2/3 of the population is diabetic! Propylene Glycol? The FDA says it "Generally recognized as safe"!!! Cancer wasn't so prevalent back during our grandparents and great grandparents time, is it any wonder?

One last thing... Every UltimateBass Rally I've been to, I ate really GOOD and always came home weighing less than when I left. Just food for thought.
Stratos 285 XL Pro 150 Evinrude ETEC

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D.W. Verts

EXCELLENT stuff here guys. See, things need to be shared and there's some real wisdom here.

When I was a bodybuilder (I really was) I used to fast for a few days at a time to reset everything. They call it "cleansing" now I think, and it will be a part of my future regimen. Thanks Joe.

The FDA is horrible, and folks buy into it. We are so easily manipulated by the powers-that-be. I would like to shed light on this, again, to help make us ALL better people. THAT'S the goal. And it all ties into fishing. For sure.

Please help me keep this going, whether it's via YouTube or just here. There's a ton of guys over 40 that deal with these issues. At 60 I'm DONE with it. I'm FIXING it. See? MOTIVATION. Peace.

Old School Bass Fishin' with D.W. Verts on YOUTUBE!
Solar Bat Sunglasses Pro Staff


I'm only 44yrs old, but two things I've found that will help you drop weight fast. 1) Cut the salt and 2) Cut the sugar. Whenever I cut those two for a month, it's a walk in the park to drop 10lbs, with a little exercise (I ride mountain bikes on a lot of our easy tracks. At least a 5-8mi ride at minimum, atleast once a week).

Tiller Mafia.

"I'm a simple man, with simple pleasures." -Trevor Belmont

D.W. Verts

I'm riding my Mountain Bike almost daily. I ride a lot of these hills that are up to a 15% grade, and they hurt. I rode the other day when it was 97 degrees out, so I'm getting more and more dedicated (and certifiable maybe). My point is to TALK about how all this works as a (getting) older guy, and share these stories with like-minded folks.

Diets don't work, or they don't work well enough. It's a lifestyle thang. I'm going to film a new video today and try to do some meat and taters stuff. Input and constructive criticism are WELCOMED.

Old School Bass Fishin' with D.W. Verts on YOUTUBE!
Solar Bat Sunglasses Pro Staff


Dale:  as always, your content and your 'straight talk' approach are helpful, entertaining... and even insightful ;D

been on my personal fitness journey now for over two years.  and here's what I can share as an over 60 guy who was never much of an athlete, but tried awful hard.

since I've started 'back' my body has had it's share of aches and pains.  for me the most important part was to find my humility and realize that 'this old fat guy' just physically couldn't take off 'runnin' like when I was a teenager/early 20's guy (before I found booze).

muscles rebound and gain MUCH FASTER than tendons and ligaments.  go slow on strengthening and yes, even stretching.  tears (muscles, ligaments) take a hell of a lot longer to heal now than they used to.

recognize the difference between being 'in pain' 'in discomfort' and actually HURT.

lastly:  don't let your ego get in the way.  slow down.  lift/do LESS.  work damned hard on getting enough sleep (7 to 8 hours is a great target/goal).

I did invest in a garmin fenix 6 smartwatch.  allows me to get real time info on what I'm doing/how I'm doing.  very spendy, but for someone like me (OCD, obsessive compulsive and on the autistic spectrum) very helpful.

oh, and don't focus on weight.  focus on how you feel/move.

for quick reference, I started with a focus on two key body areas:
1. hamstring strength:  not talked about nearly enough in terms of how it stabilizes knees and limits PAIN
2. core/abs:  have been able to strengthen and gain mobility.  have gone from not being able to walk 100 yards, or carry any weight over 20# to now being able to hike miles (until the hip I need to replace starts screaming at me)...  but that abdominal thing is not to be under-estimated.

you can do it.  put in place a plan.  just do it.  little by little.  and don't be embarrassed by just 'how little' you might be doing to start.

you can and will grow muscle, strength even after 60.  and won't need testosterone therapy to do it either.

think in terms of decades.  not weeks. months.  start it up.  when you take a break, (by choice or forced) just get back up and back at it.

easy to say.  really really hard to do.  when I started, I went EVERY DAY because if I took a day off, the temptation was to take two, and chalk it up as 'no big deal'.

great thread Dale.  you are someone I look up to for a lot of reasons.  this just being one.

D.W. Verts

Appreciate all that as usual Kurt. Man buddy- you could be scripting my future videos!

Old School Bass Fishin' with D.W. Verts on YOUTUBE!
Solar Bat Sunglasses Pro Staff


not gonna 'blaukaut' you on this one Dale.

all yours...


one more thing:  calories, weight management.  it's not easy, it's not cheap.  but keto is pretty darned effective.  potatoes, breading, bread, pasta, rice... all those things hit your blood sugar just about as hard as a candy bar...  as a diabetic with a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) attached to my body, I can confirm this.

intermittent fasting also helps...  a lot.  alchohol does not help.

all those great foods I was brought up on, that give me comfort?  man I miss them.

D.W. Verts

Man, you had to bring Randy into this, didn't you?

Old School Bass Fishin' with D.W. Verts on YOUTUBE!
Solar Bat Sunglasses Pro Staff


D.W. Verts

Just posted my second video. This is very hard to do, I'm a lot more comfortable with fishin' videos!

Old School Bass Fishin' with D.W. Verts on YOUTUBE!
Solar Bat Sunglasses Pro Staff

D.W. Verts

I made what is for ME a huge decision this week, health wise. We'll see. In all my years of bodybuilding I never took one supplement. I hate pills, I hate chemicals. So I just put up a video where I talk about this. Maybe someone will be interested. If not, I shore get good talkin' to a camera...

Old School Bass Fishin' with D.W. Verts on YOUTUBE!
Solar Bat Sunglasses Pro Staff