From the UltimateBass Home Front (Belton, Texas) Aug 2023

Started by Donald Garner, August 01, 2023, 10:26:07 AM

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Donald Garner

Good morning to all,

We got a beautiful day started here in Central Texas.  Lots of sun and a Blue Bird Sky covering down across the area  ~sun  Forecasted temps for today are 79-101dgrs with 36%humidity with a SE wind @ 7mphs.

 :toot:  To everyone welcome to Aug  ~c~   I hope this new month brings good health and much happiness to everyone in the UltimateBass Family  ~shade   To those with health issues I have y'all in my daily prayers hoping for successful surgeries and fast recoveries. 

The wife is out attending her Pilates Class while I'm tinkering around on the computer.  I think we're going grocery shopping later on this afternoon not for sure though.  If not then I'll be spending the day inside relaxing and watching tv.

Rodney; Congrats on getting your new boat.  We can't wait to see the upgrades you'll be making on it.  Glad you were able to find one.  Have fun tinkering around with it and don't forget to POST SOME PICTURES OF IT  ;)   Tks for the health update on your wife also....that is GREAT NEWSs  ~c~

I hope everyone has a Blessed Day today this first day of Aug 2023.  Y'all be safe and hopefully your day and evening will be a relaxing one.   
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Donald Garner

Greetings to everyone,

Forecasted temps for across Central Texas today are 78-105dgrs with 19%humidity with a SE wind @ 14mphs.  The low humidity is making it somewhat a pleasant day although it's still pretty hot outside.

We had some errands to take care of this morning.  We made a trip to Sam's Club and picked up some grocery items.  We came back home and had left over baked chicken, chili beans, potatoes with green beans for lunch today  ;PEP)  :food

There is nothing planned for the rest of the day here except enjoying the AC and relaxing  ;)

I hope everyone is having a pleasant day and that your evening will be a relaxing one.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Bud Kennedy

Yesterday was garage chean up day.  Took most of the day to unpack the entire garage and clean out some old boxes and consolidate other things in an effort to make better use of the available space.  The big problem is that the Mrs. is against throwing anything away so the total effort was mostly just a pile and re pile job if you know what I mean.  At least now it is clean for the time being.  All I know is that with my breathing problems and the heat it kicked my butt. 

Today was a fairly easy day.  We went to the movies this afternoon and now have had a light supper.  The Mrs  now has decided that she wants to mow the yard.  At this writing that is exactly what she is doing.  Humidity is down from past days and temps are currently in the mid 80s so not all that bad I guess.  We both have appreciated this short break in the very hot weather that will be returning over the weekend.

Tomorrow I have to get truck load ready for the recycle center.  I got stuff from inside the house as well as the remains of the garage clean out to get rid of. 

Donald Garner

Good afternoon to everyone,

It's another Hot Texas Summer Day here across Central Texas  ~sweat  ~shade    Our forecasted temps for today are 79-102dgrs with 34%humidity with a S wind @ 11mphs.   With the low humidity it doesn't feel that hot....but it is  :surrender:

The wife was out at 6:30am watering her flower beds....I was in the bed snoozing   :)    After showering and breakfast it was off to finish up the grocery shopping. Mission accomplished with lunch being eaten at home.  I made up a ham, cheese and salami sandwich with some nacho chips and a diet Dr. Pepper  ;PEP)  :food   There is nothing else planned for today except relaxation  ;)

Bud; You sure are a busy man.  I need to clean our garage out also one of these days.  There's dirt on the floor from the wife bringing in pulled weeds etc.  I don't understand what's so hard about putting stuff in the trash can >:(   I'll need to get her to more her car out so I can use the leaf blower to clean the mess up. 
Glad to hear y'all are having some cooler weather.  We've not had that occur here yet.  You be careful and stay hydrated while working outside.  It don't take much to get dehydrated during these hot weather days.  When is the next bowling trip planned?

To everyone y'all have a pleasant day and relaxing evening once you get home today.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Good afternoon!!! Warm, muggy, and sunny after raining all morning. I did a job on my hip and knee, without a swivel seat I had to do a lot of bending and twisting and I could barely walk by the time I got home. Tomorrow my wife and I are headed for BPS, I want to come home with at least 1 swivel seat and a set of side bunks for the trailer.
It's the first trip since my wife had her left hip done, this should be a good outing for us, BPS and Chili's across the street. She checks out clothing, gifts and camping, Iexpect to find her resting by the fireplace near the entrance.
Have a great day, be well!!!

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Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.

Bud Kennedy

Another day in the books.  Moderate temperature in the mid 80s and fairly low humidity for this time of year.  Some showers starting any minute now and will last through most of the day on Friday. Mission accomplished to take a load of stuff to the recycle center to make room for more stuff to take to the garage very soon now.  This is gonna be a work in process for a while but things are beginning to take shape with a little better organization.  It would help to reduce the amount of plant stuff in the form of pots, soils, etc etc but you hate to throw anything away if you know what I mean.

Wife mowed last night and we both did a little trimming today but not a whole lot.  The last task of the day was to go get a few groceries and that too has been completed.  All I have to do is make some supper tonight and just take things easy for a while.  I am feeling better but not quite over all the pneumonia stuff but getting close to be back to normal.

Rodney, even though you are in a bit of pain I'll bet you are still having fun playing with the boat.  Good luck on getting the seat you want, I am sure it will help.  I guess you will have to take it easier than you want.


Greetings everyone. Nice day here today with temps currently at 74* with a mild breeze.

@Bud Kennedy

Bud, I am curious if you have heard from Terry G lately and how he is doing health wise.

Not much planned for me today but I have a very busy day coming up tomorrow.

Hope everyone is doing well. Stay safe this weekend and good luck to anyone who may get out to wet a line.

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Dobyns Rods   Titan Tungsten   Abu Garcia  Berkley  Pflueger  Spiderwire

Donald Garner

Good morning to everyone,

Forecasted temps for across Central Texas today are 79-102dgrs with 43%humidity with a S wind @ 12mphs.
The sky is Blue with a bright sun providing lots of heat  :)

Started the morning off with fixing the backyard water hose at 6:30am.  After getting the hose repaired I watered the flower beds back there for the wife.  We're under water restriction usage right now. Beings I had to fix the water hose I took the opportunity to water her flower beds  ~shade

Breakfast eaten we were off to Walmart.  We drink bottled water all the time.  I restocked up with 6 cases and 4 jugs of distilled water for my CPAP Machine.  There is nothing else planned for the rest of the day.  I'll be spending some recliner time relaxing ;)

Jim; Tks for stopping by.  Hope your medical appointments you had this week were good news for ya.  I still have ya in my daily prayers buddy.

Bud; Glad to hear you're feeling somewhat better.  I still have ya in my daily prayers.  My wife is the same way with her garden planting pots.  We have a Metal Shed right behind our garage.  Inside are numerous items for gardening and other jobs.  There several plastic pots and other pots that haven't been used in 10 yrs....  I've been threaten with bodily harm if they get trashed. The weather beings what its been here drought conditions etc.  mowing & trimming hasn't been conducted.  We're now under Water Restrictions by the city.  Watering the yard isn't allowed but a couple times a week.  We don't water our yard to start with.  The wife uses the stored up rain water for her plants.  she has 2 large rain barrels here on the property.  They both hold a lot of water.

Rodney; My good man glad to hear your up and about.  Hope your trip to the BPS was a pleasant one for you and the wife.

To everyone be safe in your daily activities.  Hope everyone has a pleasant and relaxing day and evening. 
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Good morning!!! 54 headed to near 80 sunny to partly cloudy. I'm hear with my heating pad, hip keeping me down the last several days, haven't done anything since the trip to BPS. My replacement was approved, August 23 a new hip will be installed on the right side, other than that not much going on.
Have a great day, bewell!!!

Sent from my SM-T290 using Tapatalk

Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.

Donald Garner

Good afternoon to all,

Beautiful Texas Summer Day here across Central Texas today.  We got lots of Blue Skies and Bright Sun shining here  ~sun  ~sun   Our forecasted temps for today are 79-102dgrs with 28%humidity with a SE wind @ 12mphs.  I just looked at the 30day forecast and there's not any rain forecasted till the 27th of Aug  :(   Of course that all could change as we all know  ~shade

We did a Day Trip to Fredericksburg, TX yesterday.  We had lunch at Mamacita's Mexican Restaurant we I enjoyed a Mixed Fajita Plate with; beef, chicken and shrimp and all the side fixings.  The wife had a Chicken Fajita Salad  :food  ;PEP)   After lunch we took in a Tribute Band Show at the Rock Box Theater.  The band was Texas Clearwater Revival.  They played tribute to Creedence Clear Water Revival and John Fogerty

We had really nice weather traveling down and back home.  When we pulled into the driveway this was what we had in the front yard.  These 2 were born this past Spring real close to our place.  I've not seen the mother.  These 2 show up just about everyday  ;)
Front Yard Visitors

I attended church on line this morning.  We went out for breakfast to the Bear Den down in Harker Heights.  I'm pretty full from the Grizz Meal I ordered; eggs, hash browns, bacon, sausage and ham with pan cakes and black coffee  ~shade  Made a stop at Walmart on the way home to pick up some items for the wife.  The rest of the day will be spent indoors relaxing.

Rodney; Congrats on getting your hip surgery approved.  I have ya in my daily prayers my good man.  I hope you get to feeling better soon.  To much activity at the BPS earlier huh???  You got to PACE yourself  ;)

To everyone I hope your Sunday is a pleasant and relaxing one.     
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Donald Garner

Good morning to all,

Blue Bird Skies with lots of sun are upon us here in Central Texas this morning  ~sun  :)   Our forecasted temps for today are 78-102dgrs with 61%humidity and a S wind @ 14mphs.  I was out early this morning looking around the yard and that breeze sure felt good.

I got nothing planned for today at all.  I'll be spending time tinkering around on the computer and watching tv from the recliner.  The wife is off to the movies here shortly to see Barbie. 

 :toot:  The count down is on now...our daughter surprise my wife yesterday with a fully paid round trip with hotel and rental car usage to Anchorage, Alaska.  So the wife will be heading North at the end of the month for a week to spend time with our Grandkids prior to school starting.  First Class seating the entire flight to and from  ~c~

I hope everyone has a really pleasant day today.  Be safe in your travels if your out and about.  Be mindful of your surroundings especially in this heat.   
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Good afternoon!!! 83, should be the high, possible boomers, cold front moving in. I had my pre-op Doctor's visit this morning, it's official, my hip is now bone on bone, no wonder it's been bugging me the last couple of weeks. I won't be working on the boat til after recovery is well underway. The deed gets done on the 23rd.

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Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.

Bud Kennedy

The heat has returned to our area for a while. 

Expecting some severe storms this evening about 9pm or so.  Should hit with a gust front with winds up to 6o or so according to the forecast.  We are fairly close to the coast and may be spared  the really bad stuff but you still have to make plans just in case.  Out around I-95 it will be the area with the toughest hit from the storm but it should calm down before it gets here to the coast.  We are certainly expecting some rain and lightning for sure.  Just finished securing the property to take down things that could blow around and moved the expedition to the other side of the driveway away from the palm trees just to be on the safe side.  The Mrs is very afraid of storms and seems a bit on edge at the moment.  Hopefully it will turn out not to be a big deal.  The storm is fast moving and will be out of here very auickly although rain will be in the area for a couple hours.  Storm is moving in from the WNW and currently the wind is blowing at about 20 mph.  Hopefully it don't get any worse than that.


Good morning UB. Ok, after another tumor removal and two surgeries to my neck and back, within the past 2 weeks, I'm ready to get back on the water and my mountain bike. Hope all are well.
"I'm a simple man, with simple pleasures." -Trevor Belmont

Donald Garner

Good afternoon to all,

Forecasted temps for across Central Texas today are 79-102dgrs with 36%humidity with a SE wind @ 16mphs. Its another Blue Bird Sky day here  ~shade

Somewhat busy morning I went and had the Ram Diesel vehicle inspection done and license plate renewed for another year.  Other than that errand being done there is nothing else on my plate to get done today.  More relaxation and tinkering around on the computer will occur this afternoon ;)

Top; Tks for the health update.  I still have ya in my daily prayers buddy.  Hope your recovery goes well for ya.

Bud; Hopefully the nasty weather will blow through quickly.  I wish we'd get some rain here.

Rodney; My good man I have ya in my daily prayers also.  Keep us update on the upcoming surgery.

To everyone hope y'all have a really pleasant day and relaxing evening once the day is completed.  Be safe in your travels if you have to get out.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Donald Garner

Good afternoon to all,

What can I say it's going to be another Hot Summer Day here across Central Texas ~shade   Our forecasted temps for today are 79-102dgrs with 34%humidity with a S wind @ 18mphs.  It's been windy all night long and still is now.  That 18mph wind blowing doesn't make it any cooler  :surrender:

Couple errands to deal with this morning.  I had to go out and readjust a bird bath that got knocked over last night.  Made a stop a the gas station and filled up the Ram with diesel.  The price has gone up to $3.64 a gallon now.  Unleaded gas isn't much cheaper here in our area either.

Stopped in at the Dodge Dealership in Temple while out and about.  The power seat adjustment control buttons panel needs to be replaced on the drivers seat.  They didn't have it in stock so I ordered one.  It's a simple fix for the most part.  I took it apart yesterday to get the part # off the switch.  There's 2 screws that hold it to the seat and your pry / unplug the module off the wiring harness.

There is nothing else planned for the rest of the day here.  I hope everyone has a pleasant afternoon and evening once y'all get home.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


back to the work grind.  have a VA appointment tomorrow (thurs) hopefully it goes well. 

went out sat and found tons of white bass busting hundreds of thousands of shad against both short creek and town creek bluff walls.  starting to be fog on the lake in the morning and afternoon temps are only in the low 90's with some nights in the 60s coming up and highs in the 80s. 

this is probably the first "fake fall"  but i will take it.  we usually get a few fake falls then just at the end of september the real fall comes. 

looking forward to college football in a couple weeks.  food cooking time for the games.  Week 1 will be homemade nachos. 

Bud Kennedy

Same Ol Story. Yet another hot day with more just hot days in our future.  At least some pop up showers from time to time.  Forecasted pop ups today but it did not happen.  Common to have these quick storms show up and disperse as they approach the coast.  I guess this was one of those days.  Current temp is 91 with a solid breeze up to 20mph out of the WNW.  Weather guessers forecasting some showers tomorrow but who knows what to believe from the forecasters.

Mowed the lawn yesterday.  Did the front yard in the morning and the back yard in the evening trying to miss a little bit of the heat.  Trimmed this morning and hauled the clippings to the recycle center.  Other than that I am just   hanging out in the A/C as much as I  can although with the breeze outside it isn't all that bad as long as you can find some shade and wind at the same time.

Still not sleeping all that well.  No particular reason, it just seems like I wake up for my overnight bathroom visit and immediately I am wide awake so I just stay up instead of trying to fight to get back to sleep and wind up tossing and turning.  I don't want to wake up the Mrs. so it is just best to get up and face the day. 

Donald Garner

Greetings to all,

Another hot day across Central Texas today.  Forecasted temps for the area are 78-105dgrs with 31%humidity with a S wind @ 13mphs.  There's still no rain in the forecast till the end of Aug.

Went shopping with the wife this morning to a couple of her stores she likes.  We stopped in at Cracker Barrell for lunch beings it was in the same shopping area.  The place was packed but the service was still pretty quick. Stopped by the post office on the way home. 

There is nothing planned for the rest of the day except relaxation and some tv. 

Bud; Sorry to hear that you're not sleeping well.  Hope that gets corrected here soon.  You been bowling lately?

caddyjoe; glad to hear you were able to get out on the water.  Glad to hear the temps are a lot cooler there than here in Texas.  I'm ready for some College Football also  :foot  ;)

Hope yawls day has been a pleasant one.  Hope yawls evening is a relaxing one also.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Good morning!!! 64 headed to 77 partly cloudy, nice day again. It's been a long time since we had a summer as nice, I'm not complaining. I'll be posting some pics of supplies for the boat as I get them, mostly framing, I hope to start working on the boat next spring. Not much going on today, need to have the phone looked at, it won't power down and I'm tired of hear notifications for crap. The RAV needs a bath so I'll get that done. My wife went shopping with me yesterday, she decided to grab a small cart, I think for support and walked around the store with me, she was really tired and a bit sore after, I was really sore. It's good to see her improving, she has a bit over a week and a half before I get cut and is doing all the shopping. I'll do everything I can to help her but it'll be 6 weeks before I can drive again, I should be stir crazy by then.
Bud, hope your weather gets better, I sure don't miss the heat, it's been the kind of summer I could comfortably spent on the water.

Donald, sure was nice of your daughter to that for your wife, she has to be a happy camper. Been through summers like you're having, really enjoying this one, been a while. Been watching some of the tributes to KVD on the net, I think folks are finally realizing how great he was, it'll be a long time before we see his like again. I think one of his best attributes was his willingness and ability be to teach what he was doing. He was one of the best with many techniques yet kept what worked for him, he wasn't afraid to go against the prevailing wisdom and set the bar high among his peers. He elevated the ability of many of competitors as they chased him.
Have a great day and weekend, be well!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.

Donald Garner

Good morning to everyone,

Forecasted temps for across Central Texas today are  78-106dgrs with 61%humidity with a S wind @ 17mphs.  It's going to be a smoker outside today  :surrender:  ~sweat

I have nothing planned for today except to stay indoors and relax, tinker around on the computer and watch some tv  ~shade

Rodney; Tks for sharing the health improvement on your wife.  I'm glad her recovery is going well for her.  I still have both of y'all in my daily prayers.  Again best wishes on a successful hip replacement and recovery.  Spring will be here before you know it....time sure is flying by.  School starts up again here in a couple weeks.

To everyone hope your day is a pleasant and productive one.  Hopefully your evening will be a relaxing one also.  Be safe in your travels and again be mindful of your surroundings.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Donald Garner

Good morning to all,

Another Blue Bird covered sky across Central Texas this morning  ~sun  ~shade   Our forecasted temps for across our area are 78-105dgrs with 53%humidity with a SE wind @ 16mphs.  There's still no rain in our forecast  :(

There were some early morning activities to start the day off.   The Texas Master Gardeners conducted a blood drive at their extension office.  My wife was the 2nd person to sign in and donate blood.  While she donated blood I went and filled up the Silverado with gas ate a breakfast sausage and cheese biscuit and washed the truck.  After picking her back up we stopped by and picked up the mail.  We plan on spending the rest of the morning relaxing. 

We have tickets for an Elvis Tribute show here this evening at the Belton Downtown Theater.  I'm sure we'll be having dinner somewhere prior to attending this event.

I hope everyone has a very pleasant and enjoyable Saturday.  Y'all be safe in your travels if you have to be out and about.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


I hope all of you are doing wonderful. Ive been in Syria for about a month now. Pretty wild stuff going on here, you don't hear much about in main stream media. I have some slow internet in the evenings. Living in a shot up, half burned up house, in a place called green village, Syria near the Euphrates River.

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Donald Garner

Good afternoon to everyone,

The morning started off cloudy but has since turned to a Blue Bird Day  ~sun   Forecasted temps for today are 77-105dgrs with 37%humidity with a S wind @ 15mphs.

We attended church this morning and had lunch at Clem's BBQ place.  The catfish and shrimp plater was delicious with fries, coleslaw, hushpuppies and fried okra  ;PEP)  :food

There is nothing else planned for the day except tinkering on the computer and watching tv. 

Allen; Tks for stopping by.  I got ya in my daily prayers Battle Buddy  ;)

To everyone hope your Sunday is a relaxing and pleasant one.  Be safe in your travels if you're out and about.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Bud Kennedy

Current temp sitting at 102 with a heat index of 111.  Nothing much going on except staying inside in the A/C.  We did go out for a little ride just to get out of the house for a bit and stopped by Dairy Queen for a blizzard.  Was really nice for a change.

Went to a different bowling alley this week and was very pleased with the place.  Will return there again this week just to roll a few games.  The weather is forecasted to continue to be hot all this next week so it looks like more time inside working on the cabin fever.