
Started by BassmanRudy, December 29, 2022, 06:58:59 PM

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**so without getting into the "why" the market is where it is**

What are some things everyone is/are doing end of this year in preparation for next? I'm down horribly compared to last few years so looking to get more involved in high dividend paying stocks and at least earn it during the low times.

Any good winners this year?!

Any bad losers?! I've had more than usual... :-(

I'm selling some losers to help offset some small gains of others. Didn't have many gains anyways and needed to shed the crap anyways. And increasing my TSP(401k equivalent) investments as I have 2 years left to contribute.

Always looking to learn more and figure others are/could be too.

I use Mister Twister Baits!


We set up a Robin Hood account for my granddaughter (fractional shares) .  She bought Disney because she liked her trip to Disney.  She bought Brunswick who made her daddies boat and motor. She brought idex because she liked pets.  She is kicking Grampa's butt who studied.  Crap shoot currently imo

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commodities man --> food specifically.
i know this sounds crazy but the dollar -- banks never lose and even if they do they still win -- banks
i that is getting shorted like crazy -- they all are but this one is especially -- MULN
gold index funds, commodity index funds. 

during the covid thing I was contrarian and did well

no doubt its a hard time at the moment to figure it out.  But honestly i wouldnt sell much if any -- you'll regret it later unless you have massive massive gains to offset then maybe.  Warren Buffet is rich because he is patient. 

the most important thing IMO right now is to be as debt free as possible and keep investing.  Also, there are a lot of free sites that give you data -- the devil is in the details as they say, in other words dont believe everything that is written.  Look at the trends in the charts -- remember those charts are not showing the full picture -- look farther back.  but remember also, past performance doesnt equal future $$.  learn to read candlestick charts also which show you what is going on during the day throughout the day. 


D.W. Verts

I gave up on money I couldn't see years ago. Probably why I don't have any??? I've also cashed in on my two smallish 401K's. I'll take the hit monetarily, but then I'll invest what's left in ME.

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If you are looking for money now, then your dividend stock plan is good.  However, if you are looking at max cash down the road, buy the beaten stocks of solid companies that you like.  Being very down is a great time to pick up good companies on the clearance rack...


Thanks for all the comments. Good to learn from everyone and bump it against things you've tried or want to try.

Some backstory to maybe help for me- I'm 39, military 19 yrs with 2 more full years left (Mar 2025) so will have the pension plus whatever VA disability. Been in the TSP since 04' and have been contributing a Lot too it over the years and shooting to max it this year and next. Mostly the Roth option but enough in the regular to offset the taxes. Married, wife earns great $$ which will end up with us in a different tax bracket either this cycle or def next. I'm still high risk motivated as I've got time to let the market recover(and it always has). She's super safe and still keeps a lot in savings. We do work with a financial advisor- Edward Jones- and he's been great to bounce ideas off of and steer us towards the future. We don't have kids yet but me staying at home is a real possibility with her working and my af pension handling everything. I play with individual stocks but mostly lose. Should just leave it alone but man what a rush when you pick a winner!!

Anyhow that's more about my situation and how I look at things. If I do get another full time job when I get out I'll look at their 401k and contribute at least the matching part if available.
I use Mister Twister Baits!